有关Tier 2续签网上申请的一个问题,谢谢, 急!!!

我现在正在办理Tier 2的续签,在网上申请中,有一个问题在Sponsor Information的问题里面, 问的是: Are you applying under the Post Study Work provisions within Tier 2? * Yes or No

因为我是2011年4月底从PSW签证办理的Tier 2签证,现在已经3年,在下个月4月30日现在的Tier 2签证到期,所以需要办理续签。 但是我现在还是同个工作同个雇主,没有更换,而且是续签。

请各位帅郭美女或者专业人士帮助看看,这里我应该是回答 Yes, 还是 No 啊。。。




看了一下附加说明,应该是针对第一次从PSW转到Tier 2的申请,和续签Tier 2应该没有关系。

Are you applying under the Post Study Work provisions within Tier 2? * Yes No
More guidance is available.

The post-study work provisions mean that if you are applying for Tier 2 from within the UK and you meet the requirements set out below, your sponsor will not have to show that it has done a resident labour market test in order for them to employ you in your prospective job.

You qualify for the post study work provisions if you are applying for Tier 2 (General) and are switching from:

• Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur)
• Tier 1 (Post Study Work)
• Fresh Talent in Scotland
• International Graduates Scheme (or its predecessor, the Science and Engineering Graduate Scheme)
• Tier 4 Migrant
• Student
• Student Nurse
• Student Re-Sitting an Examination
• Person Writing Up a Thesis
• Overseas Qualified Nurse or Midwife
• Postgraduate Doctor or Dentist
• Student Union Sabbatical Officer

If your most recent period of leave to enter or remain was as a:

• Tier 4 Migrant,
• Student,
• Student Nurse,
• Student Re-Sitting an Examination,
• Person Writing Up a Thesis,
• Overseas Qualified Nurse or Midwife,
• Postgraduate Doctor or Dentist, or
• Student Union Sabbatical Officer,

you must meet the following requirements, in addition to the other requirements of Tier 2. If you do not, your application is likely to be refused.

You must have:
• successfully completed and passed a UK recognised bachelors or masters degree, Postgraduate Certificate in Education or Professional Graduate Diploma of Education; or
• completed a minimum of 12 months study in the UK towards a UK PhD.

You must have done this during your current period of leave or a period of continuous leave that includes the most recent leave we gave you. You must have studied for this eligible award at a UK institution that is a UK recognised or listed body, or one that holds a sponsor licence under Tier 4 of the points-based system. You must also be applying from inside the UK.