我在网上填写申请表的时候没有仔细参照我的cirtificate of sponsorship,(其上我的雇主把我写成 in the shortage occupation list, 所以在我的cos上没有劳务市场调查这一项),可是我在填写申请表的时候默认自己不属于shortage occupation,结果写了个No, 还按照高的价格支付了申请费。
我的情况是雇主是一个A level,我的code是2123, electrical engineer。按照shortage occupation list定义,貌似只有做电力输配,核能原油以及航空航天的electrical engineer才属于shortage occupation。
在我的job title说明里,没有这个航空航天,我真担心UKBA会裁定我的shortage occupation 无效。
Job Title: Research Engineer - computational electromagnetics
Job Type: 2123 Electrical Engineer - other electrical engineer
Summary of job description: Carry out electromagnetic modelling and analysis in support of automotive research, design and development.
Is the job in the current shortage occupation list: Y
Tick to confirm the post is at the appropriate skill level as set out in the sponsor guidance: Y