Tier 2 工签五年转永居的雇主证明信怎木写

Tier 2 工签五年转永居时,不需要雇主出具CoS了吧?不过有一个要求需要雇主证明信,大家有木有模板或者成功经验,具体要怎木写呢?

相关的要求在Tier_2_MG_v23.0.pdf Page 100

Tier 2 (General), Tier (Minister of religion), Tier 2 (Sportsperson) and (Intra-company transfer)
To grant indefinite leave to remain in any of these categories the employer must confirm in writing, on company headed paper, that they still need the applicant to be employed in the job in question.

就写你什么时候在本单位工作的,职位是啥,工资多少,是那个SOC code,给的工资是不是符合SOC Code的 要求,年假多少,还有单位是不是还愿意继续雇佣你,你这个职位是不是还需要的。如果可以列上你离开英国的时间和理由。


