Tier 2 转永居,面签通过!一点分享

先说说我的情况,来英国9年,4年Tier 4, 5年Tier 2。申请前比较担心的是近两年离境时间比较多,因为immigration rule上要求离境需要和Tier 2的工作相关,但没超过180天的限。

首先,申请材料的check list,
1 Application form
2 Photographs
3 Passports
4 Biometric Residence Permit
5 Police registration certificates
6 Letters from employer
7 Life in the UK pass letter
8 English language speaking and listening qualification
9 Bank statements (6 months)
10 Payslips (6 months)
11 P60 (2015, 2016)
12 Applicant cover letter 【主要是准备了一个UK出入境的表,包括border check,帮签证官省时间的】

其次,是Application Form上比较confusing的两个地方,网上也没标准答案

6.1 When did you (the main applicant) first enter the UK? This refers to the date of your first entry into the UK at the beginning of the period of stay on which this application is based. 【我填的是Tier 2的issued date,没问题】

12P For the period before you were granted leave as a Tier 2 migrant, documents showing that you met the relevant requirements of the immigration rules. 【这基本没用,直接打钩,签证官也没问】


关于Absence from the UK的表格,自己准备好,然后让employer提供相应的letters,两者保持一致,尤其reasons for absence。

签证申请有些hard line,比如35,000的年收入,180天的离境时间,没越过这些hard line,就不用担心。当然,如果有些条件不满足,就需要认真准备啦,必要时还得咨询下律师。


另外一点是,如果拿不稳的话,可以把Immigration Rule相关的部分打出来看看,其实也就10页的英文,比在网上瞎问强。

还有一个推荐网站,大家签证时应该都用过的 http://www.immigrationboards.com/

恭喜楼主, 请教一下你列出来的第八项 8 English language speaking and listening qualification 是否在申请永居前要重新考一边,即使当时你申请tier 2的时候已经有了





恭喜!请教一下楼主,reasons for absence一般写什么?是应该写annual leave?还是需要具体到visiting families?另外需不需要包括unpaid leave和sick leave呢? 谢谢楼主了。
