现在tier2 八月份到期, 收到新雇主offer。 但是发现存款要在银行90天超过945磅, 从今天开始算的话还要三个月。发现guidance上说只要雇主在COS上注明certify maintenance for the first month 的话就可以不要银行存款。这个具体要怎么操作,跟雇主说一下就行了么?
第二个问题是最近系统出现的bug。换雇主到底是switch还是extend。哪个类别里都没有换雇主选项。但是https://www.gov.uk/tier-2-general/extend-your-visa 在extend的category里面写了
If you change your job
You may need to make a new Tier 2 (General) visa application if:
you want to change your job and your new job is with a different employer
your job changes to a different standard occupation classification (SOC) code, and you’re not in a graduate training programme
you leave a job that’s on the shortage occupation list for a job that isn’t on the list
You don’t need to apply again if you stay in the same job, but your job is taken off the shortage occupation list
You won’t need to make a new application if you’ll be staying with your current employer but your job will change in other ways, for example you want to change to a job in the same SOC code, or your pay will increase.
You must have a new certificate of sponsorship and you must meet all other application conditions, but you won’t need to send evidence in support of your application if you’ve sent it for a previous Tier 2 application.
这段话最后一句说如果之前提供过evidence这次就不用提供了。我现在是tier2, 所以之前提供过所有evidence,那就意味着这次不用提供maintenance,毕业证等等材料了么?有前辈换雇主不用提供这次材料的么? 谢谢大家。