tier 4 general 问题

我现在在申请tier 4 general 读master。 之前已经在英国读完4年的本科了。照理说按照ukba官网上的说法是属于established presence 所以保证金只要2个月的living cost加学费就可以了。
可是在填写online申请表的时候,最后一步declaration上却显示的是要我有9个月的living cost钱。

I need £30500.00 to cover my maintenance (monthly living costs and course fees for the first year of my course, or for the length of my course if less than one year). I certify that: I have paid £21500.00 to my sponsor for my maintenance and, where required, I am providing specified evidence of this with my application. I have £9000.00 available to me in the manner specified in the Immigration Rules for my remaining maintenance and, where required, I am providing specified evidence of this with my application. All the money I am using is available to me in the manner specified in the Immigration Rules and is for my living costs in the UK and will remain so available unless used to pay for living costs in the UK or my course fees. Where I am providing evidence of cash funds, this money has been held for a consecutive 28 day period ending no more than 1 month before this application.*

因为之前一直准备说只要两个月的钱所以现在没有那么多,再多转过来要存够28天时间我怕来不及。而且我也准备面签 所以到时候可以跟签证官解释
请问这种情况下我应该填yes 还是no呢 谢谢

