Tier 4 收到Home Office回信了,请教各位该怎么办,是否可以冒险。。。

我是12月19号按的指纹,因为家里急事,爸妈着急让我回去。 没办法只好去联系HOME OFFICE,说明了情况,感觉没任何作用。

但突然收到一封home office的信,大概的内容如下:

unfortunately we cannot grant your request for expedition unless you are willing to withdraw the application if consideration is not immediately possible from the information already held with your case. This does not mean that the application will be automatically withdrawn, it will wherever possible be etmsitlered and outcomed, but if the caseworker cannot consider the application before your travel date, or in a timely manner, then it may be withdrawn in order to meet your travel requirements.

lf you are willing to withdraw the application if consideration is not immediately possible from the information already held with your case, then please contact the lmrnigration linquiry Bureau (IEB) telephone number which is given above for further assistance.

然后还附了份 Permission to Withdraw Only if a decision cannot be made immediately的表格,而起还注明了The Case will only be withdrawen as a last resort and that a case working team will do all they can to expedite my application in the first instance.




尤其是这句 case working team will do all they can to expedite my application in the first instance,有没有朋友遇到类似的情况啊?


