Tier 4 转 Tier 2还需要雅思成绩吗

You will be awarded 10 points if you are applying for leave to remain under Tier 2 (General), Tier 2 (Sportsperson) or Tier 2 (Minister of Religion) and you meet the requirements of one of the categories listed below: 其中一条是
you have met the English language requirements when given a previous grant of leave;



Points awarded for English Language
136.You will be awarded 10 points if you are applying for leave to remain under Tier 2 (General),
Tier 2 (Sportsperson) or Tier 2 (Minister of Religion) and you meet the requirements of one
of the categories listed below:
 you are a national of a majority English speaking country; or
 you hold a degree that was taught or researched in English which must be equivalent
to a UK Bachelors degree or above; or
 you have passed an English language test at the appropriate level; or
Tier 2 Policy Guidance (Version 11/2015) Page 35
 you have met the English language requirements when given a previous grant of
leave; or
 you qualify under the transitional arrangements.

这里面previous grant of leave 是指以前的tier 2申请,适用于续签tier2的人。 2楼已经不是一次两次胡说八道了 {:5_129:}


请仔细看哦~LZ说还没有提交论文。。那肯定是last year了。。。至少3年了吧。。
PhD students

You must have completed at least 12 months’ study for your PhD during your most recent stay in the UK and had permission to take the qualification.

50 points for Attributes:

30 points for Switching from Tier 4 (General)
You can switch into Tier 2 from Tier 4 if you have successfully completed your degree OR you have completed a minimum 12 months of study in the UK towards a UK PhD during your current period of leave.

You will be required to provide evidence of this with your visa application.

20 points for minimum level salary of £20,800 or industry equivalent

语言要求看楼上的哈。。应该是需要学校出具你在读时间的证明 (超过12个月)这个学校的international student office应该懂的。。问一下他们


满足12个月以上就读只代表可以由tier4转tier2 不是说拿到语言分。。。 {:5_129:} 未读满12个月的要境外转。

语言分要满足语言的条件。。。请你还是读读tier 2 guidance Part 6 吧

132.If you are unable to score 10 points for English language skills, your application will be
refused, even if you have scored 50 points or more for attributes and have met all the other
Tier 2 requirements.


只是想解释一下you have completed a minimum 12 months of study in the UK towards a UK PhD during your current period of leave. 这个而已。。没让你看其他的

感谢大家的回复,谢谢Ellie Goulding, 迅猛龙,jeanvivi. 确实不再需要英语成绩了,已经提交了签证申请,里面说不需要提供英语成绩了。
Information you do not have to provide
You do not need to prove you meet the required level of English because you have current leave in Tier 4 (General) student, or had leave in the past
You do not need to prove maintenance because your sponsor is certifying your maintenance。

对于jeanvivi需要情况,policy里面说 as a Tier 4 (General) student where the Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies used to
support your application for that grant was assigned on or after 21 April 2011。估计是后来改的。


Previous grants of leave
160.You will be awarded 10 points for English language where you have met the English language requirement in a previous grant of leave. This will be the case if you have ever been granted leave:

  • under the Tier 1 (General) category, Tier 1 (Entrepreneur) category or as a Businessperson or under Tier 1 (Post Study Work) category; or
  • as a Highly Skilled Migrant under the Rules in place on or after 5 December 2006; or
  • under the Tier 1 (Graduate Entrepreneur) category, having then provided evidence of having a knowledge of English equivalent to level B1 of the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework for Language Learning or above; or
  • under the Minister of Religion category (not Tier 2 (Minister of Religion)) under the rules in place on or after 19 April 2007; or
  • under the Tier 2 (Minister of Religion) category, having the provided evidence of meeting the English language requirement; or
  • under the Tier 2 (General) category under the rules in place on or after 6 April 2011, having provided evidence of having a knowledge of English equivalent to level B1 of the Council of Europe’s Common European Framework for Language Learning or above; or
  • as a Tier 4 (General) student where the Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies used to support your application for that grant was assigned on or after 21 April 2011. If you are applying for Tier 2 (Minister of Religion), the Certificate of Acceptance of Studies must also have been assigned for a course of at least degree level study.

原来从11年4月21号以后给T4起颁发的 Confirmation of Acceptance 已经有语言要求了,真是out啦,@selby831 你的结论是正确的。我读书时没申请过T4 更不知道从11年4月起 T4也有语言要求了。



