tier2 dependents 被拒签,重新申请问题

我已经在英国1个半月了,和老婆孩子是分开申请签证,打算安顿好了再让他们申请。由于单位HR和我个人的疏忽,在给老婆孩子办理tier2 dependent签证的时候将财政证明提供的是我的COS,而不是单位出具的信,导致她俩被拒签,拒签的decision

The Decision

You have submitted an application to join your husband who holds a Tier2 General visa and is working at the XXXX as XXX (个人信息隐去,请见谅). You have not submitted any financial documents with your application and I have noted that no evidence has been provided form your husband’s sponsor, to indicate that you and your child will be maintained for the first month. I am therefore not satisfied that there is a sufficient level of funds available to you, as set out in Appendix E and as required by paragraph 319C (g) of the immigration rules.


  1. NHS保险附加费该怎么办,是退了重新交,还是不退继续用上次申请的。
  2. 是不是按第一次一样的方法重新在网上申请
  3. 提交材料时有什么还特别注意的,比如由于拒签过,是否要多交什么材料。
  4. 鉴于上面的拒签理由,是不是我只需要找我的sponsor提供一封书面证明,证明他们给我妻儿提供第一个月生活费就行?不用自己再额外提供财产证明了吧(英镑没存够90天,也提供不了啊)?


You have not submitted any financial documents with your application and I have noted that no evidence has been provided form your husband’s sponsor, to indicate that you and your child will be maintained for the first month.



Tier2 dependent 拒签,打算重新申请,请问NHS是退款重新交费,还是不退款用上次的就行?谢谢

请问Tier2 dependent签证拒签,重新申请,用写cover letter吗?在application form中有问是否被任何国家包括拒签过,如果是需要提供上次的申请号,我觉得提供了这个他们就已经知道我的情况了,请问还用额外提供cover letter或者什么书面对上次拒签的解释和说明吗?谢谢

