(更新)紧急求助 — tier2提交但工作是NQF level 4

9月27日提交了tier2申请(PSW - Tier2),但才得知NQF level 4 or above的工作已经不能签tier2了。。。


更新:ukba电话确认,psw转tier2,现必须需要level 6的职位。保佑我能快点拿到新cos吧


Codes of practice for Tier 2 (General) and Tier 2 (Intra company transfer)
Applicants under Tier 2 (General) or Tier 2 (Intra company transfer) must have an offer of a job at or above NQF level 6 (or the equivalent in Scotland) if they are:

applying from abroad; or
applying to switch into Tier 2 (General) from a different immigration route.
Applicants who are currently working in the UK (either for you or for a different employer) under Tier 2 (General), Tier 2 (Intra company transfer) or a work permit must have an offer of a job at S/NVQ3 level, NQF level 4 or NQF level 6.

We have produced one set of codes of practice listing the jobs that can be offered under Tier 2 at all these different skill levels. You can find the codes of practice under ’ Policy and Law’ on the right side of this page.
是不是如果正在uk工作的人达到level 4 就可以了呢?


这个好象是只是针对原先已经是tier2和work permit的人,这里的work permit貌似是那种古老的被Tier2取代的工作签,psw好像不属于这个。我现在拿的是psw在工作,所以不行:’(

你的这次提交申请的职位在现在的T2 codes of practice 上找得到嘛?

是的啊,但是在level 4 上面,提交的时候不知道现在要求最低level 6了。。。:’(

官網原址是?我是在學校做research的,也准備PSW轉T2, 我看了下UKBA 的文件,所有researcher的要求只是NQF 4 而已呀(似乎各行各業都是NQF 4 or above?).況且我有同事最近是申到T2 的

我现在也是很迷惑到底是不是6月份之后申请T2都要level 6. 翻了一下论坛里的旧帖子,有些筒子好像都是在6月后申请成功了但工资是26k左右,26k应该哪个行业还到不了level 6 吧?可惜他们现在都申请成功了,也不回这里翻贴了:(

不好意思,剛又翻查了一下,這才是6月的version. UKBA 現在怎麼update那麼勤快?? 新政把NQF level 4 or above 分為level 4 和level 6 or above. 幸好對我馬上准備申請沒影響!

那你是准备申请 level 6的cos?

page 9
In addition, the following table lists those occupations which are skilled to NQF level 4 but not to NQF level 6. Tier 2 applicants can only be sponsored for jobs in these occupations if:
 the job appears on the Shortage Occupation List, or
 the job is in one of the creative sector occupations marked “NQF 4 (Creative)”, or
 the applicant is currently in the UK under Tier 2, and has been in Tier 2 since before the changes made on 14 June 2012 came into force, or
 the applicant is currently in the UK under an old immigration category that was replaced by Tier 2, such as work permit holders.

我的申請大概沒問題,因為工作是level 6. 學校HR上周也說no prob. 不清楚level 4但不到6的怎麼申請

home office没有说清楚就是了,弄得那么模糊,谁知道到底怎么回事。。。。

可能他们的工作在shortage list上面,就没有问题了

我就是很悲催的看的是4月份的要求,那时候根本就没有level 6. 他们改掉这个也不在官网上发一个通知,除了说fund有所提高,什么都没提,悄悄的在cos里面改了,别人怎么知道。。。。


基于这个推断,不建议你为此贸然撤回申请。除非你有十足的把握能立即提交新申请,并且所列职位一定是level 6。


2321 Scientific researchers
All jobs in this occupation code are at or above NQF 6.

Minimum rate: £15,641




scientific researcher 都是属于shortage的吧,所以应该都没有问题。