tier2 的问题

雇主申请了tier 2 sponsor licence,但是属于b类那种,说什么要整改,然后ho那就寄了一封信给雇主的整改内容,大家能帮忙看看具体应该怎么做么?

How we rate HR systems
This page explains how we rate the record keeping in your human resource (HR) systems. We do this when you apply for a licence to sponsor migrant workers under the points-based system. We may also conduct checks after you have been granted a licence.
What you must do
You must provide any documents for migrants that we think are relevant. We might, for example, ask for details of your recruitment practices to make sure that you are meeting the resident labour market test where appropriate.
You must:
• have a system for keeping the required documents listed in Appendix D of the sponsor guidance for each individual you are sponsoring to work or study in the UK;
• not pay a sponsored migrant by cash or cheque (where applicable);
• ensure that any applicable resident labour market test has been conducted in line with the sponsor guidance;
• ensure that you only issue certificates of sponsorship (CoS) or confirmations for acceptance of studies (CAS) in line with the rules explained within the sponsor guidance; and
• report any changes to a sponsored migrants situation through the correct channels and within the timescales described within the sponsor guidance.
We will test to see you have the relevant systems in place and we will also test how robust your systems are.

yr company need to upgrade thelicence to grade A in betweent one year ,the imigration officer will visit yr company again and yr company need to prepare the document their need ,thst is 600 pound fees for upgrade to A .


the officer has require what they want in the letter grant grade B . to upgrade to A , yr company need to prepare the information their need . like when their visit to your company , their check everything about your company (payslib. worker,holiday pay etc)may be some of information their think your company need to do better.