
请问申请Tier2续签年纪会影响薪水限制吗?刚听说我同事要申请续签会困难, 因为薪水限制比2 年多前多了快一万, 有人听说续签TIER 2会因为年纪而要求不一样薪水吗? (ie. 25-30, 30-35 or over 35) 还是只差在new entry 和experience 两种差别??谢谢解答


It worths spending some time reading the guidance carefully by yourself. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-on-application-for-uk-visa-as-tier-2-worker

I mean about different requirement for different age range, if I am over 30 will the salary requirement be even higher? ( my colleague is 29 so she should be regarded as experienced staff when she wants to renew Tier 2, even she initially got her tier 2 VISA with the minimum salary 2 years ago ) I cannot find any information about the salary requirement for age, but if I just need to earn over the salary requirement for experienced threshold , I do meet the requirement.

If they do not mention the age, I do not think age is a problem. Anyway, this is something about discrimination.

got it, thanks. Maybe I worry too much, I thought they might have requirement for different age when employer apply the COS for us ( which I won’t be able to read, only HR or owner of the company can read)


基本上,续签是不能用new entry的工资标准的。差不多都是按Experience 的工资标准准备。