Tier4 转 Tier2, 在UK递签还是回国

请教大家这个问题,我是否eligible to apply Tier2 inside the UK…。

根据http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/visas-immigration/working/tier2/general/applying/ 的信息,我看了Can you switch into Tier 2 (General)?,本人是符合所设定的条件的。具体来说
If you are switching from Tier 4 (我的情况)or the former categories of student,。。。you must have current permission to stay in the UK (2013年11月到期) and, during that permission to stay, you must have lawfully obtained a UK degree, postgraduate certificate in education or professional graduate diploma of education. This does not include, for example, vocational qualifications at degree level which are not degrees (这个没有,但是我符合一下条件). If you are a PhD student, you do not need to have completed your course, but you must have completed at least 12 months’ study towards it in the UK.

You must have obtained one of the named qualifications above:
at a UK institution that is a UK recognised or listed body, or one which holds a sponsor licence under Tier 4 of the points-based system (在正规大学); and
during your most recent period of permission to stay, or period of continuous permission to stay that includes your most recent permission to stay - this must have included permission for you to study for the qualification (again Tier4在手).


LZ是否已经完成学业了? 如果是的话,可以在UK转,如果还未完成学业,就必须回国转。其中还有一个隐形条件,课程必须是有学位的,如果是CFA之类的,那么无论完成与否,都需要回国转



If you are switching from Tier 4 or the former categories of student, you must have current permission to stay in the UK and, during that permission to stay, you must have lawfully obtained a UK degree, postgraduate certificate in education or professional graduate diploma of education.

谢谢。 那后面一句什么意思 ? 或者有什么意义?: If you are a PhD student, you do not need to have completed your course, but you must have completed at least 12 months’ study towards it in the UK.

那么根据UKBA Tier2 policy guidance,

you must have successfully completed and passed a UK recognised bachelor or
postgraduate degree, Postgraduate Certificate in Education or Professional Graduate
Diploma of Education or have completed a minimum of 12 months study in the UK
towards a UK PhD during your current period of leave or a period of continuous leave1
which includes your last grant of leave


楼上的UVIC 没有考虑您的实际情况。


