Tier4 转 tier2 签证可以全职工作四个月while waiting for Tier2

请问各位有知道这个的吗? 我的签证死活不下来,我很着急。我现在是PhD 学生,想在答辩之后马上去另外一个学校做博士后工作。



Tier 4 policy guidance old version 07/10: page 37:

  1. Tier 4 General students, and Child students over the age of 16, can work full-time during vacation periods, within the limits detailed above. If a student, having completed his/her course, makes an application for leave under the Points Based System before his/her existing leave expires, he/she will be permitted to work full-time, within the limits described above, until his/her application is decided.

Tier 4 TIER 4 version 04/12 policy guidance new page 52-53:

  1. Where a Tier 4 Student is allowed to work, he/she can work full-time during vacation periods, within the limits detailed above. If a Tier 4 student, having completed his/her course, makes an application for leave under the Points Based System before his/her existing leave expires, he/she will be permitted to work full-time, within the limits described above, until his/her application is decided.