
大家晚上好, 紧急求问一个关于PHD转t2的问题, 不知道有没有人有相同经历的帮我一下:

目前状况是我博士已经读满12个月, 应该是eligible从T4申请T2了,但是PhD读满12个月需要什么样的证明?学校给出的academic reference letter 注明 degree title, course length来说明达到这个要求了,可以算吗?


  1. The specified evidence you must provide to demonstrate you meet this requirement is:

  2. your original certificate of award. This must be your original certificate (not a copy)
    and must clearly show:
    • your name;
    • title of the qualification; and
    • the name of the awarding body.

We will not accept provisional certificates.

If the certificate has yet to be issued, you will be unable to provide the original certificate
of award. In these circumstances, you must provide:

  1. an original academic transcript or an academic reference on official headed
    paper from the institution at which you studied towards your eligible qualification. It
    must have been issued by an authorised official and must confirm:
    • your name;
    • title of the qualification;
    • date of the award ;
    • the body awarding the qualification;
    • the reason why you are unable to provide your original certificate of award; and
    • that the certificate will be issued.

要求(2)好像不适用于phd?如果我还没有拿到学位,没参加答辩的情况下该怎么办呢?学校也不可能会说 the certificate will be issued.

另,我有cos(通过RLMT),maintenance, 英国硕士学位(用来证明英语),就差 degree 这项真的不是很明白,望赐教,非常感谢!




master不是current tier 4下拿的, 应该不行吧?

我重新看了一下,PhD的确可以转,学校出一份介绍信就可以了,你问你们School Office他们肯定知道怎么弄,因为你肯定不是第一个办这个的

https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/300833/T2_Combined_Form___Help_04-14.pdf,Pg 54

You must meet these requirements.

If you do not, your application is likely to be refused.

You must submit one of the following documents:

an original degree certificate; or
an original academic transcript; or
an academic reference on official headed
paper of the institution
