
请问大家 入籍介绍人能不能是我公司的老板然后在加一个英国同事?

简单来说,两个入籍推荐人。1个必须是有professional job的,但可以不是英籍。另一个必须是英籍而且超过25岁。两人必须承认自己认识你已经至少3年。

具体HO要求: http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/britishcitizenship/applying/applicationtypes/naturalisation/completingtheform/

Section 5 - referees and identity
You must include a recent passport photograph of yourself, clipped or stapled to the space provided. The photograph must show the whole of your face, it should not be covered by your hair (except a beard, sideburns or a moustache), a scarf or traditional dress. You should not be wearing dark glasses, a hat, a hood, a cap or a scarf.

Your application must include details of two referees. The referees should have known you personally for at least three years. One referee should be a person of any nationality who is of professional standing such as a minister of religion, civil servant or a member of a professional association such as an accountant or a solicitor. See the list of Acceptable professional persons. The other referee must be a holder of a British citizen passport and either a professional person or aged 25 years or over.

Both referees must be:

not related to you; and
not related to the other referee; and
not your solicitor or agent representing you with this application; and
not employed by the Home Office.
If you are living outside the United Kingdom and do not know a British citizen who can act as a referee, a commonwealth citizen or citizen on the country in which you are living may sign the form provided:

he/she is of professional standing in that country; and
he/she has known you for three years; and
the British diplomatic post where you will be making your application considers his/her signature to be acceptable,
The referees must not have any unspent convictions.



HO接受的professional职业列表:http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.u … /annexa?view=Binary

我看那个里面有manager of limited 就是有限公司经理人 所以我的老板 应该是合格的推荐人吧

第二个用同事行不行? 同事和老板算不算有关系?

如果是Ltd company的manager是可以的;或者是VAT registered company的director 也可以。




好贴 帮忙了


总结一下 就是说我找我的老板和一个26岁以上的英国同事是可以作我的介绍人的 对吧
