
因为我怀孕,妈妈过来看我,签证是一年多次往返 general visitor visa。我打算让妈妈呆三个月左右,当时看三个月的往返机票相当于两个单程,又没确定回程时间,就直接只买的单程。刚在网上看到单程机票可能不让入境,是真的吗?我应该写封信解释一下吗?有明文规定 general visitor visa入境必须要返程机票吗?

should not have much problems if your mum speaks english. my monther in law, came with single ticket, held at passport control at least 30m questioning.



这么久的提问?! 是london heathrow 机场吗?我妈妈不会英文:-( ,我打算写信解释一下,不行就让他们打电话给我好了~ 希望妈妈可以顺利入关~~

谢谢版主大人,我刚查了Immigration Rules, 只说 require to'meet the cost of the return or onward journey',可是论坛里似乎真的有人被遣返过,或者被入境官质疑很久。。不知道拿资金证明说明meet the cost可不可以,希望不要出问题啊~





而且,入境的时候不是随随便便想遣返就遣返的,那一定是违反了immigration rules,英国是法制,不是人制

我觉得某些情况应该是 因为没有返程机票 被一些要求严格的入境官质疑,然后在回答各种问题时不小心提到了什么违反Immigration Rules的,才被遣返,我也查了rules,确实没有要求机票,希望妈妈不要碰到变态的入境官~~



From http://www.filipinouk.co.uk/forum/showthread.php/42161-Family-Visitor-Visa-return-ticket

i just want to know if it is a requirement for a family visitor visa to have a return ticket upon arrival at london airport?

Your question may seem simple but the answer is not.

Firstly, does the applicant already hold an approved UK Family Visit visa?

Secondly, be informed that there is no legal requirement under immigration rules for Visitors entering the UK to actually have a return or onward ticket.


  • There may be problems during the check-in process depending on the airline. They may refuse to accept them based solely on a restricted visit visa but without a return/onward ticket. Airlines are held responsible for all costs and penalties if they carry someone who is later refused entry at the destination.

  • It has been reported that some airlines have requested a signed waiver indicating that if the passenger is refused entry at their destination then the sponsor will stand the full costs of return.

  • Being allowed to check-in does not prevent Immigration Control in the country of origin denying exit. It all depends on how it works in that specific country. Please do check this.

  • Having a return ticket and other supporting evidence does not guarantee that a visitor intends to comply with their conditions of stay and return home within the visa conditions or visa expiry. This means the visitor may be challenged by an immigration officer at their UK port of entry and requested to provide strong evidence that they either have a return ticket or that they do have the funds to purchase one. If this cannot be produced either by the sponsor or by evidence of their (the visitor) own funds to purchase one then they could well be refused entry and sent back.

Sorry if my comment appears negative, it’s not at all meant to be so. Just explaining the facts for your consideration.

I’m just highlighting that although it’s not a requirement as visa application and approval, there may be other factors to consider at both departure from country of origin and at port of entry.

Probably the best opition would be to actually secure a ticket which is either open ended return, or allows changeable return date at some small charge
Given the fact that this is a completely normal available option, it might be considered ‘suspect’ that someone would arrive here in the UK without a paid-for return/onward ticket.

Is there a compelling reason to have only a one way ticket?

If there is, then you may consider informing UKBA of this and asking for written confirmation that they understand and accept this compelling reason and will provide their written confirmation. It’s quite rare, but it has happened.

Hope this helps your understanding

Sorry I can’t offer anything more positive.







我的外母上次因为单程机票的问题, 被查了,Border Control 的人, 给我打电话了, 问我为什么买单程机票(我在机场等她。 当然我也有写入境的理由信给我外母带着)。 我电话中解释是过来旅游的,然后, 大概2个月后,回去。 还问我, 她有带现金吗? 带了多少? 我说带了3千镑, 还要给他看。 看完后,就叫给她过关了,由于上次的问题, 这次我给我爸买了来回的机票。 最多就是花个100镑改。 免得有麻烦的事情。 希望帮到你

是啊,买机票时很随意就买了,就是看贴子时 冷不丁发现很多人说单程不行的,吓一跳,然后赶紧各种核实~~

谢谢提醒哈,怀孕是绝对不敢提的,否则肯定直接被遣返了,这个得特殊告诫妈妈才行 :cn08:

{:5_132:} 为什么不可以提怀孕?


谢谢MM这么详细的回复,看来是一定要准备证明有能力负担the cost of the return or onward journey才行了,MM知不知道有卡可不可以?把卡的详单打印下来?实在不想带cash在妈妈身上啊~~早知道这么麻烦,当初就直接订往返的了,真是后悔:cn14:

在英国照顾小孩被看成是一种工作,而访问签证是绝对不允许工作的, so …





是 照顾小孩被看成是一种工作:cn13: 。。。对,一年内在英国不能超过180天




被入境官问半天问题也是不爽的啊~ 谁知道哪句话会说的有点问题啊~早知道就订往返的了。。。:cn03: