PSW 转 T2 G 到手,分享经验

本人PSW 12月31号到期,12月20号面签,千辛万苦拿到T2 G 签证,分享过程仅供参考,

  1. Sponsor license. 我的公司申请前未有并且年迈的HR 也不懂何谓sponsor license, 8月底才开始申请,HR以为几天就能下来。。。。9月末收到HO邮件,说材料不全,HR傻呵呵以为HO搞笑,自以为材料完美无缺,竟然无视他们的邮件,未补齐材料,一个星期后直接挂掉。。。有的时候英国人这种自大的心态真是害人呀。 10月12号重新申请,直到12月初还未有消息,期间HR发了几次邮件给HO,但是都无功而返。最后公司决定律师介入,律师12月4号参与, 12月6号公司拿到licence,同天拿到COS。 附上律师给HR与HO交流的模板,仅供参考。红色字体是律师告诉HR发的。很难说律师的模板是否好用,但是我们还是比预计要早拿到很多天,因为HO12月5号给我们的邮件中提到他们才开始处理九月的。最底端的邮件有HO解释如何加急办理;

From: SponsorProgress [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 10 December 2012 10:19
Subject: RE: Sponsor application reference number XX Urgent Treatment Sponsor Licence

Dear XX,

Thank you for your email.

I have checked our records and can confirm the application has now been decided.

We are not able to divulge the decision but can advise that your decision letter, along with supporting evidence, has been returned by recorded delivery.

Sent: 06 December 2012 11:27
To: SponsorProgress
Subject: RE: Sponsor application reference number XX Urgent Treatment Sponsor Licence
Importance: High

XX (company name) have submitted a Sponsor Licence application on 10th October (electronically) and you, UKBA, have confirmed the supporting documents arrived on 12/10/2012.Tracking reference number

I am the authorising officer: xx (HR manager name or who is dealing with application)

Please could you expidite this application urgently as XX, the applicants Visa, is due to expire on 31/12/2012.
He has been employed by XX (company name) since 18th June 2012 and we are applying for Tier 2 sponsorship licence. Application reference number

From: SponsorProgress [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 05 December 2012 18:17
Subject: RE: Sponsor application reference number

Dear XX ,

Thank you for your email.

I have checked our records and can confirm the application has been received.

The application is currently awaiting allocation to a caseworker.

Please note: we are currently processing cases received on September 5th. To give you an indication of the speed at which we are processing cases, last week we were dealing with cases received on August 1st.

Your request for urgency has been passed to the appropriate team for consideration.

If urgent treatment is given to your request you will be notified directly.

Yours sincerely,

Sent: 04 December 2012 13:07
To: SponsorProgress
Subject: RE: Sponsor application reference number

Please find attached scanned work permit for XX as requested, in order for you to expedite the application, as his visa will run out in 15 working days. Expiry date 31/12/2012
Please can you let me know the progress of our Sponsorship application
Thank you

From: SponsorProgress [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 21 November 2012 12:17
Subject: RE: Sponsor application reference number

Dear XX

Thank you for your email.
As you have stated that your employees visa expires on 31st December, please email back with a scan of the visa 15 working days before and I can forward your request on to the caseworker team. They will decide if they can give your request priority treatment and email you back directly. Please note urgent treatment unfortunately cannot be given to everyone that asks for it.
Yours Sincerely,

Sent: 19 November 2012 13:25
To: SponsorProgress

Dear XX
Please find attached copy of XX’s current work permit which expires on 31st December 2012.
We have employed him as a XX for our company. having had the best qualifications and suitable experience for us.
As a company we close on Friday 21st December 2012 at 12 noon and do not return until Wednesday 2nd January 2013. We therefore could do with knowing as soon as possible if XX can stay and work for us here. I gather from the information below I need to do this 15 days before his visa expires but with Christmas coming up, and our company closure, I wondered if it would be at all possible for us to have our sponsorship application considered as a priority.

I am obviously very concerned that you do not have the application on your system, and I would ask if there is anything else I can do to expedite this sponsorship application.
Many thanks

From: SponsorProgress [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 16 November 2012 12:51
Subject: RE: Sponsor application reference number

Dear XX,

Thank you for your email.

I have had a look on our system for your application but it is not showing up. This is not unusual as there is an unprecedented amount of sponsor applications currently being considered.

I have checked our postal records and can confirm the application was received on 12/10/2012.

Consideration for processing an application urgently can sometimes be made, but only if it meets the strict criteria set out below:-

• A migrant currently employed by the prospective sponsor or switching to the prospective sponsor, who has valid leave expiring in 15 working days (or has an urgent need to change their leave status within 15 working days). Ideally provide evidence of expiry of leave in your e mail. For example a scanned copy of the relevant vignette / Biometric Residence Permit.
• Applications more than 4 weeks old which have a Resident Labour Market Test expiring in the next 6 weeks.
• Applications more than 4 weeks old where there is an urgent business need for a licence within the next 10 working days, for which justification must be provided. Such requests will be considered on a case by case basis.
As you have stated that your employees visa expires on 31st December, please email back with a scan of the visa 15 working days before and I can forward your request on to the caseworker team. They will decide if they can give your request priority treatment and email you back directly. Please note urgent treatment unfortunately cannot be given to everyone that asks for it.
I am sorry I cannot be of more assistance at this time.
Yours sincerely,

若天天给HO发信催,他们肯定加急办理,我一个朋友也是这么拿到licence的。HO 有规定,签证到期15天以内的申请人必须加急办理license和COS。

  1. COS。 比较折磨我的就是我目前的工作是level4, 若level6 则要求是经理title,工资比目前要提高很多。老板不愿意,所以只能律师帮忙。其实律师也干不了什么,就是给我换了一个level 6 的code,然后把我的job description里面加上了相应code的一些职位描述。一个code有很多描述,就只是摘抄了一条,就通过了。还有在申请license 的时候,HO会问你要几个COS,若写一个或以上,license下来后其实就分配好COS的号了,只要你填上相关信息,号马上就生成了。但是若直接申请COS,可能还需要一些时间。

3.面签。 这个其他大神们有很多经验了,我就认为晚上11点开始刷,到凌晨12点半这个期间出的多,一直坚持,我四天刷到了3个,都是这个时候出来的。

  1. 若有人想找律师,我觉得不要完全相信律师,我们公司找的律师号称很厉害,但是也是漏洞百出。他竟然说可以帮我老婆直接从PSW 转到dependent。我和他说HO说不可以,他说他们能办。公司相信律师,又付了一笔费用给老婆申请,在Croydon面签的时候,还没等交钱审核材料的人就告诉不行了,要回国申请。多亏没交申请费呢。。。。




请问楼主申请level6的code,工资不够的问题是怎样解决的?因为我现在也是level4的job title, level6的工资达不到





Urgent Treatment 跟 Fast Track 不一样 不用额外给钱

跟我情况差不多,我是11月底PSW到期,我公司还没sponsorship license,8月份申请的,到10月份的时候音讯全无
各种催,还联系过local MP,最后终于在签证到期前一周下来了。。。。。同天拿到的Cos





我的工作code是level6 但是title改了一个比较模糊的,也不是manager, 但是title比较模糊,我当时挺担心,这个我不好回答

