这个担心似乎也不是没道理,但这个文档的目的,是教CASE WORKER什么样的人要被拒绝申请。如果你申请成功了,后面就不肯能归他们管了。只听说永居有的人有可能被注销(而且也很少听见)。没听说过国籍直接被取消。。。。
The main purpose of the requirement is that those wishing to be naturalised as
British citizens should not already have decided, or intend, to break their links with
the United Kingdom. As it is impossible to be absolutely certain what a person
intends to do in the future, the most reliable indicator will be past behaviour. If that
suggests that the requirement is met, and there is no reason to think this will not
continue, the applicant’s statement about future intentions may be taken at face