


你收到护照的时候, 最后一页应该会给你敲个章的, 上面有日期.


overstay是从UKBA收到withdraw申请并且return passport之日开始算的,之后每多呆一天,都是逾期逗留

    4.1. Return of passport for travel before an application has been determined
    Where an applicant requests the return of a passport for travel outside the common
    travel area, the application for variation of leave shall (provided it has not been
    determined) be treated as withdrawn as soon as the passport has been returned in
    response to the request (paragraph 34 of HC 395 (as amended by Cm 4851) refers).
    Section 3C leave will end immediately. There will be no right of appeal against this
    decision because there will have been no decision to refuse to vary leave.

4.2. Withdrawal of applications (not travelling)
Where an applicant who is not travelling makes a clear, unambiguous request for
consideration of the application to be discontinued, section 3C leave will terminate on
withdrawal of the application. If such a request is ambiguous, clarification that the
application is being withdrawn should be sought. It should be accepted only once a
clear, unambiguous request has been made in writing. Where such notification is
given by post, the date of postage is when the application is withdrawn and section
3C leave ends on that date.


估计好多人是把之前出台的 ”签证过期28天之内递交新申请可以酌情考虑批准申请“ 这一条给过度解读了{:5_139:}
