最新十年统计贴,为永居许愿+还愿! (更新至17年5月) 17年4月6日起申请费涨价,请注意!



I have spoken to the UKBA to ask for an update on the status of your application. They told me that it your application is still outstanding and is currently with the Indefinite Leave to Remain casework team. They confirmed that all your biometric information is there and the application will now be processed. Unfortunately, they are unable to provide a timescale for when a decision will be made.

The Border Agency aim to finish processing applications 4 – 14 weeks after the date you enrolled your biometric information. However, they can take longer in for some cases. All cases begin getting worked on as they come in, but then the timescale for a decision might be different for each one depending on when biometric data is enrolled and how complicated a case is. This might be why other applicants have had a decision made on their case before yours.

I would expect a decision to be made on yours in the next few weeks, but obviously we are happy to keep chasing the UKBA for updates for you.

Kind regards,



我觉得就是UKBA会把你的CASE在那一堆里提出来处理, 所以你应该很快就有消息了。。。

我的MP说要我9个月才帮我问。。。 {:5_145:}

有同学去过BBC留言说想被访问,投诉UKBA, BBC说好多人都想所以没有办法采访她。。 {:5_139:}

要不你把Ukba上的地址改我们这里来。用这的MP办事。 反正都是email联系。

how come so far today there is nothing
so furious it will be 7 mths for me this wk as well

By the way guys, another 4 days strike is starting 2row :’(

{:5_146:} 不折腾了, 要不死DUMP UKBA肯定搞错我的地址什么的

{:5_129:} {:5_129:} {:5_129:} {:5_129:}

I v tried everything:
emailed MP twice, was told wait until at least Aug
emailed a complain letter, no response
requested the certificates and passport back: certificates were returned and with copies of passport (with a letter from UKBA stated returning of passports may require withdraw appli)
changed the address to friend’s to email the local MP: no response yet
Now I can only pray for the bloody things to come back


我MP 开始也这么说, 我再EMAIL他, 他就说到了9个月帮我催, 所以你现在应该是7个月吧, 等到9个月就再联系MP 好了。。。 好像HO 给MP们的新‘限期’是9个月

the caseworker of first MP said bcos my visa expires on 1st Aug
as my mum is not too well (not serious tho), I emailed new MP
I just can not take it any more, argued with my husband three times since Jan bcos the stress suffered

我觉得那些什么因为你还有VALID VISA, 所以你的CASE 要到你签证到期后才会被处理, 我觉得这种说法完全是放屁

HO guildline上写明了, 10年到期前的28天就可以递交申请了。 我觉得那些是搪塞你的说法。 你让他给你找那条guildline写明了还有签证就不被处理?

大家今晚上注意收看节目了:channel 4今晚8点,电视台派出卧底到UKBA了解applications是怎样被处理以及被堆积.节目预告可以到这里看: http://www.channel4.com/programmes/dispatches/video/series-118/episode-8/immigration-undercover

3 月27号寄出 。4月3号划钱。4月4号homeoffice寄出确认信。4月8号homeoffice寄出指纹信。4月16号去邮局取完指纹。现在等待中。。。。。感觉现在homeoffice 工作效率很高。。。中间有个复活节假期还能如此快的收到回信。。。。希望很快收到最后结果。。。

求大大明天给我说说都说了些什么, 家里没电视 {:5_145:}



对了, 我刚刚算了一下, 我当时离开英国到拿到新签证之间, 不止28天啊, 有1个多月 {:5_145:} 所以如果拒签的话, 估计从新递交,新GAP RULE也是对我没用的 {:5_145:}

啥新 gap rule 啊?