
我拿永居,但父母在国内生活。如果我在这里买套房子,能写父母的名字算他们的马?有经验的人指教一下。。 谢:$













看你的意思还需要贷款?那单独写你父母的名字根本不可能,一种可能可行的办法就是joint ownership,这个你找专门买卖房子手续的律师咨询应该可以知道怎么办。


不是结婚了财产都是共同的这么简单,很多大老板(比如Formula one的老板)财产是结婚以后才赚来的,但离婚了老婆也分不到一半,这得看contribution才行。

买是没有问题 可是卖呢
如果 全部现金那还没什么 如果 要贷款怎么做
房东不在英国超过六个月 交税怎么办

干吗不用你的名字呢 不是更方便么

When you buy a property with someone, you can own the property in one of two ways:

  1. “joint tenants”
  2. “tenants in common”

These are legal terms which are explained below so that you can make an informed decision as to how you wish to own your property.

  1. Joint tenants

Joint purchasers who are married or in a stable relationship generally choose to own their property as joint tenants.

If you buy your property as joint tenants, when the first of you dies, the deceased person’s share of the property will automatically pass to the survivor. This happens whether or not you have a Will. This means that you cannot leave your share in the property to someone other than the other joint owner. The survivor can then deal with the property in whatever way they wish.

If you buy your property as joint tenants, when you subsequently come to sell the property, the proceeds of the sale will be shared equally. The sale proceeds will be divided equally even if you contributed differing amounts to the original purchase price. For example:

• A and B buy a property as joint tenants for £200,000.
• A contributes £50,000 to the purchase price and B contributes £25,000.
• A and B take out a joint mortgage to fund the remaining £125,000.
• A and B decide to sell the property three years later for £225,000.00, and the sale proceeds are divided as follow;

Sale price £225,000
Repayment of the mortgage £125,000

Balance £100,000

A will receive £50,000
B will receive £50,000

If you buy your property as joint tenants, it is very important that you both make a Will so that you can decide what happens to the property when both of you have died, or you die together.

  1. Tenants in common

Most joint purchasers who are not married or who contribute to the purchase price in unequal shares, purchase as tenants in common.

If you buy your property as tenants in common in equal shares, each share is treated as being separate and will not automatically pass to the survivor when the first of you dies. You can therefore give your share to anyone in your Will.

If you do not make a Will, your share will pass according to the set of legal rules called intestacy.

If you buy your property as tenants in common and contribute unequal shares to the purchase, your share is not properly protected if you do not have a legal document called a deed of trust.

This deed shows who has contributed what to the purchase price, and how any future sale proceeds are to be divided as shown in the example below:

A and B buy a property as tenants in common in unequal shares for £200,000.
A contributes £50,000 to the purchase price
B contributes £25,0000
A and B take out a joint mortgage to fund the remaining £125,000

If A and B enter into a deed of trust which reflects their initial contributions there will be a legal record stating when the property is sold they each receive their respective initial contributions back. The balance of the sale proceeds is divided 50/50, or however you both decide.

A and B decide to sell the property three years later for £225,000.00, and the sale proceeds are divided as follow;

Sale price £225,000.00
Repayment of the mortgage £125,000.00
Payment to A £50,000.00
Payment to B £25,000.00

Balance £25,000.00

A’s 50% of the balance £12,500.00
B’s 50% of the balance £12,500.00

A will receive
Initial contribution £50,000.00
Share of remaining proceeds £12,500.00

Total £62,500.00

B will receive
Initial contribution £25,000.00
Share of remaining proceeds £12,500.00

Total £37,500.00

If you buy your property as tenants in common, whether in equal or unequal shares, you must both make a Will so that you can decide what happens to your share of the property when you die.

正解 结婚前就想着怎么防止分财产 那还洁什么

多少人 找老婆找不着正愁着呢

我会告诉你 我也在找么 我会么


都是房子惹的祸呀。如果有贷款,肯定只能写贷款人的名字。买的时候让律师做成Tenants in common就行了,万一要分的时候,你的还是你的。




贷款不是不可能, 要看你父母年纪多大, 还要看在国内的工作情况. 总之比较麻烦.

cash buy?