请问 申请入籍的批准信 是 入籍仪式 邀请信吗? 请入籍了的朋友指导

很多人 说 入籍 撇准信 就是 入籍仪式的 邀请信。

我受到的这个新 就是说 application for british citizenship has been successful, 没有 让我去 预约 入籍仪式 阿



Dear Mr Xuan,

Thank you for submitting the enclosed documents in support of your application for British citizenship. All the information has been noted and we will not need to see them again.

I am pleased to say that the application has been successful and you will shortly receive a letter inviting you to attend a citizenship ceremony. When you attend a ceremony you will be presented with a certificate of British Citizenship.

Please note, this letter is not an invitation to a ceremony. You should not contact your Local Authority until you have receive your invitation. If you have not received you invitation within 2 weeks of the above date, you should email the Nationality Enquires team at …


信不是这样的吗 ? 不是邀请信阿

难道 你我的 信不一样 还是 你的邀请信 是和你的 批准新 一起受到的?

Please note, this letter is not an invitation to a ceremony. You should not contact your Local Authority until you have receive your invitation.

信上不是说吗 "you will shortly receive a letter inviting you to attend a citizenship ceremony. "

你要在7天之内打电话到你当地的那个部门去顶时间 然后才会给你发信 反正我去年是这样的

You should not contact your Local Authority until you have receive your invitation. If you have not received you invitation within 2 weeks of the above date, you should email the Nationality Enquires team at …

人家不是写的很清楚么。没收到信之前不要打电话去local authority。2周没收到信的话email联系XXX

不知道现在是怎么弄的 我是去年大年初一早上就到了 前一天晚上喝大了 一看信就醒了马上打电话去顶的 不过给你批下来了就没什么问题了


我现在特别怕 如果HO 突然感觉我 长的 特别丑 或者 怎么 就给 本来通过的 然后给否决

