

汗, lz的主管的思维还停留在hsmp,wp或者t1 g的时代呢 :L
如今工签和工作是严格一一对应的, 不可以像从前一样玩那种东家拿工签西家打工的简单花招了,顶多就是在工资额和职位名称上做做小文章.
如今的路就那么几条, 要不就说服公司给办t2, 要不就是自己解决自己的签证.

btw, 再次借机提醒一下一些相关版规, 谢谢大家的合作.



contractor一类的做法在之前ict中有不少漏洞, 后来也被整顿了, 类似的情况在tier 2 guidance中也有明确的说法.
36. The Short Term staff or Long Term Staff sub-categories are not intended to allow a sponsor
for whom you have been working for at least 12 months (Company A) to supply workers to
Tier 2 Policy Guidance (Version 12/2012) - Page 10 of 59
another organisation (Company B) on a contract basis.
37. However, Company A may have a contract with Company B to provide a time bound
service or deliver a time bound project. If you will work on that contract, you can be
sponsored by Company A for the period of that contract under the Intra Company
Transfer: Short Term staff or Long Term Staff sub-categories. Company A must have full
responsibility for your duties, functions, and outputs while you are working in the UK.
Company A cannot sponsor you if:
• you are being contracted as ‘agency’ labour to Company B; or
• you are being sponsored to undertake a routine role for Company B which is not
related to the delivery of a time bound service by Company A; or
• Company B has responsibility for your duties, functions and outputs while you are
working in the UK.
In these circumstances you must obtain a Certificate of Sponsorship from Company B
and apply under Tier 2 (General). Company B may need to carry out a resident labour
market test before they can assign you with a Certificate of Sponsorship
此外即使申请转入ict的话, 如今新的ict是没有settlement的.
