是这样的,楼主几年前贷款在salford买了一套house自住,今年底想要回国发展,但是又不想卖掉房子。所以想把房子租出去, 只希望租金刚好能cover贷款就好。因为从没有做过房东,实在是不知道需要怎样的手续。特地来向大家求助。因为回国后不会经常过来,是不是将房子交给中介打理比较好呢?还有是不是要注册landlord licence? 要怎样注册啊?还有大家有没有好的中介可以推荐啊?谢谢大家了。
找中介交给他们全权管理就好,他们会负责做必要的检查等等。个人经验,人不在附近的话最好给中介来管,虽然费点钱但真的省心很多。你只需要自己负责买landlord insurance和每年报税就可以了。
多谢回复,请问我还需要注册landlord licence吗?如果报税,我人不在英国怎样报啊? 谢谢了
There is no such thing as “landlord licence”. However, you need to ask your mortgage lender for the permission to rent the property out. For building insurance, you need to get landloard’s insurance.
UK has double taxation agreement with China, it means that you do not need to pay Uk income tax if you pay Chinese income tax for all your incomes (including UK income).
谢谢成龙大哥啊, 请问大哥因为我是回马来西亚, 还需要在英国交税吗? 我该怎么做。是要去tax office和他们说吗? 还有, gas certificate and electric certificate 要怎么办啊。谢谢了
税的问题看这里说明 http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/international/tax-incomegains.htm
电不需要证书,气每年需要landlord gas safety certificate,如果你交给中介管理(full management),他们会安排去做的费用从房租里面扣,70英镑左右(不同地方人工不一样)。找个可靠的中介不省钱但确实省心,房子有问题他们会找人去看然后给你个quotation如果你接受了他们就安排去修。
你应该联系你的mortgage provider for the their consent to rent the house.
thanks a lot