

  1. 10月28号以后入籍,对英语要求HO官网说THOSE WHO HAVE OBTAINED AN ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION - You will not be required to show a formal speaking and listening qualification if you have obtained an academic qualification deemed by UK NARIC to meet the recognised standard of a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or PhD in the United Kingdom。 俺理解就是我只要带着我曼大毕业时发的MASTER degree certificate去NCS的appoitmengt, 就算符合要求了??

  2. Section 5 Referees 因为俺的其中一个REFEREE和俺不在一个CITY,是不是俺把照片贴上去,然后寄给她让她填完签名再寄回来就好了?


  1. YES;
  2. YES.

thank you! {:2_31:}
