转专业 涉及签证问题 特来求助各位达人们!感激不尽!

上周收到学校邮件,说他们在10月25号的时候已经withdraw了我的课程(09/2013-09/2014),并会通知ukba同时我的签证会被取消,但是学校的adviser说至少明天才能确认学校是否已通知了ukba,所以建议尽快回国,而新的MA课程是1月初开学( 12/2014结束),所以我现在不知道是应该马上回国还是留在这边继续等CAS?? :cn03:

还有我想知道: 1 在withdrew之后,一般还可以逗留英国多久?是28天么? 学校现在就是各种“可能”,没有一个确切答复,实在担心万一我逾期回国了,那新签证就会被拒,到时就回不来了
2 现在已经可以开始申请签证了,所以我这样的情况是否可以留在这边申请签证?

If your course ends earlier than expected (because, for example, your education provider has cancelled your place on the course, or you have finished the course early), we will limit your permission to stay to 60 days. But we will not limit your permission to stay if it will expire in less than 60 days anyway.


但是,同一页面我也看到这个,所以我的情况是??还有,转专业的话是算involved in the reasons还是不算啊?
If we revoke your education provider’s Tier 4 sponsor licence while you are studying in the UK, we will limit your permission to stay.

If you were not involved in the reasons why the licence was revoked, your permission to stay will be reduced to 60 days. We will not limit your permission to stay at all if your permission to stay will expire in less than 60 days. You may want to apply for permission to stay with another Tier 4 sponsor during this time.

If we think you were involved in the reasons why the licence was revoked, we will curtail your permission to stay immediately.


今天傍晚收到邮件说直到回国之后才给新CAS = = 另外student adviser觉得等移民局的信不靠谱,建议"return home as soon as possible"