

We write in reference to your settlement application made on 14/10/2013. This case has been considered under Appendix FM Entry Clearance/Leave to Remain as a Partner/Child. The case falls to be refused solely on the failure to meet the income threshold requirement under Appendix FM and/or the related evidential requirements under Appendix FM-SE. In order to meet the financial requirements your sponsor is required to show a gross annual income of 18,600. From the doucments submitted it is noted that your sponsor is employed in UK. However, whilst you have submitted a contract, no employment letter has been submitted regarding your sponsors employment (specified evidence not submitted). It is noted a P60 has been submitted which shows during the last tax year your sponsor earned 19,600.17. However, your sponsor’s payslips show a basic gross monthly income of 1,290.24 which equates a gross annual income of 16,773.12 (contract shows sponsor is paid 13 times a year). As your sponsor receives a variable monthly income, this has also been considered. In order to calculate this the lowest gross monthly income is use. From the payslips submitted it is noted that in the last 6 months your sponsor’s lowest monthly gross income was 1,425.95 which equates to a gross annual income of 18,537.35 ( 1,425.95*13), which is below the required income threshold of 18,600. The case is put on hold pending the outcome of the legal challenge to the income threshold.

这个1425.95是我递交6个月的工资单的最低工资,税前的,其余的那些都是15&&到16&&,现在他说案件搁置,律师让我再邮寄前6个月的工资单,然后他们写了一个陈诉,可以吗?像我这种情况,让我老头在英国申诉吗?我付了一年的钱加起了还是超18600啊 P60.jpgP60.jpg


你好好看看spouse financial requirements那个pdf.
里面的确有一条,如果用两个计算方法, 两个数据出来,就要用低的数值。

为什么没让雇主出一封信写明年薪呢?那样就会好很多。HO给你的信也写了:“no employment letter has been submitted regarding your sponsors employment (specified evidence not submitted).”个人认为撤回来补齐材料,重新申请。一搁置不知道啥时候呢。

最简单有效的方法就是找个外卖店中餐馆报个parttime 给钱啥都能办 加起来想多少都行



:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 没钱,有钱的有hold的吗