
有没有大神知道法律专业LLM是不是不用算在5年限制内啊? 跪求解释。

同求啊…貌似不是有个GDL or LPC也不属于这个5年?

美女 你不是结婚签吗?


courses in architecture, medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine and science, or music at a conservatoire, are exempt from the limit.

if you have completed a UK degree, and your current Tier 4 application is to study certain legal qualifications the legal qualification is exempt from the limit. In England and Wales the relevant qualifications are a law conversion course, a Legal Practice Course and the Bar Professional Training Course. In Northern Ireland the relevant qualifications are a Masters in Legal Science (MLegSc), the Solicitors Course and the Bar Course. In Scotland the relevant qualifications are an accelerated graduate LLB and a Diploma in Professional Legal Practice




那帅哥你知道都有啥法律课程是2年或者以上的么:$ 谢了哈~