



在外卖店做工,像楼主这样只做part time的,一般老板就直接给cash了。。。

给cash 抓不到,只要不要让自己银行大笔钱进出引怀疑就行




不要误导楼主好吗? 工签限定了只能给提供签证公司工作的。 如果查到在别处工作, 那是要吊销签证的

建议把工作做好 周末休息好 在专业上下功夫, 原来应当20小时以内是可以的 但现在政策变化快自己查查吧

HOME OFFICE规定,如果你的PART TIME是和你工作签证做相同职位,即使不在一个公司也可以做20小时,但是如果不是这样就会有问题。

Can you do other work (supplementary and secondary employment) in addition to your main job?

You can do other work in addition to your main job (for which your certificate of sponsorship was assigned).

You do not need to inform us of this additional work (known as ‘supplementary employment’) if:

it is in the same profession and at the same professional level as the work for which your certificate of sponsorship was assigned or a job in the shortage occupation list; and
you do this work for no more than 20 hours per week; and
outside your normal working hours for your main job.

If you want to do any other type of paid additional work (known as ‘secondary employment’), the work must be with a licensed sponsor. That sponsor must assign a new certificate of sponsorship to you, and you must make a new application to us. This application must include a letter explaining that you want to change your current permission to stay. The letter must also state:

your name
your date of birth
your first certificate of sponsorship reference number (from your current permission to stay)
the date when your current permission to stay expires.

Your new application must meet all the Tier 2 criteria, so your sponsor may need to carry out a resident labour market test. We will consider your application separately from your first application.

You cannot apply for secondary employment until you have started work with your first sponsor, and you cannot start work with your second sponsor until we have approved your application for secondary employment.


打电话问了homeofficer 说不可以



外卖店大都是cash in hand,你别告诉你的工签sponsor就可以啦。