





east dulwich 和dulwich villege很好,west dulwich不行,当然房价上也体现出来了

刚才随便搜索了一下,楼主的1M在你们金斯顿也买不到什么像样子的了,you can feel very “rich” now;P


Dulwich v Woolwich, which is better? :lol

Richmond 很好



伦敦人也有这样类似的想法,西边叫做 west end,就是高端大气上档次,住的人都是低调奢华有内涵。东边是传统的蓝领阶层,基本都是那点工资吃了上顿愁下顿的,所以传统的英国白人都不愿意去东边买房子,哪怕交通很方便。因为金融城的兴起,东边开始会有一些外国小白领的入住,形成了现在交杂的人群,相对西边人口阶层还是有着很大的不同。


赞同,现在Isle of dogs的发展轨迹就像当今国内一样,住宅一栋一栋起来,但配套设施还啥都没有跟上,地区贫富差距也大,岛西边因为都是新建住宅白领居多所以要远强于岛东边,东边基本都是council house,鱼龙混杂。而Richmond,Wimbledon等传统好区更像当今美国,很成熟,配套设施俱全,房子增值也稳定,而Kingston,Bromley等地区像当今欧洲,有些被低估的机会,区域硬件也较齐全,发展空间较大

Difference between east end and west end of London?

Because the prevailing wind in London is from the West/SW richer people populated the West end and industry concentrated in the East. The West end is around Westminster the seat of government, the East end is to the East of the City of London the source of trade and money。:lol

East London is where all the money is/ comes from hence the Olympics which was situated in Stratford which is in east London. East London is mainly where all the markets and traders are. Wheras, west London is where all the rich Bas****'s live and proper posh area. This where you shop when you have 1000 pounds to spend in a restaurant for a bloody prawn.:shutup:

Yeah those restaurants are expensive aren’t they? Unfortunately girls like them coz they think they are ‘Gao-Duan’ ‘Da-Qi’ ‘Shang-Dang-Ci’ ;P;P


别提现在房市有多火了,本来好不容易想清楚了今天去下定,没想到了售楼处今年夏天交楼的全部sold out, 现在卖的是明年冬天交楼的了,这才几天呀?!


Chinese buyers fuelling UK housing shortage: Far East speculators price Britons out of market across the country

A huge property grab by Chinese investors is pricing UK homebuyers out of the market.

Developers are increasingly selling direct to buyers in China at inflated prices, cutting out domestic purchasers altogether.

Last night, critics said such tactics threatened to further destabilise the overheating property market and deepen the housing shortage.
A computer-generated image of the proposed development at the Ram Brewery in Wandsworth, London. The new Chinese owners of the historic seven-acre-site have openly admitted they will be targeting foreign buyers

A computer-generated image of the proposed development at the Ram Brewery in Wandsworth, London. The new Chinese owners of the historic seven-acre-site have openly admitted they will be targeting foreign buyers

Major British developers including Barratt Homes and Berkeley Group have opened offices in Beijing and Shanghai to cater for growing overseas demand for new-build apartments in premium city-centre locations.

The phenomenon is not restricted to London. In Birmingham, 30 per cent of flats in the prestige development The Cube have been sold to the Chinese. Some investors have children studying at British universities.

Others simply see flats as a safe haven that offers significant rental growth. The Bank of China is also offering mortgages in sterling to Chinese investors.

House of Fraser, one of Britain’s oldest department store chains, is the latest UK household name to be sold to the Chinese.

The firm, which was founded by drapery store owners Hugh Fraser and James Arthur in Glasgow in 1849, has agreed the £450million sale with Sanpower, owner of a leading Chinese department store.

Sanpower plans to expand House of Fraser – which has 61 stores in Britain and Ireland as well as one in Abu Dhabi – into other countries. It has annual sales of about £1.2billion.

Brands recently bought by Chinese investors include Weetabix, black cab maker Manganese Bronze and James Bond’s tailor Gieves & Hawkes.

Also, Beijing Construction Group is part of a consortium investing £800million in Manchester Airport.

Michael Sacks of property development firm Sequre said: ‘New-build apartment blocks in Britain’s city centre are being bought en masse and then re-sold overseas, mostly to the Chinese, for significantly more than what they are actually worth.

‘This is causing acute shortages in the cities because entire schemes under construction are snapped up, making it harder for first time buyers to get on the housing ladder.

‘It will inevitably force up prices on second hand stock but this is artificial and not due to sound fundamentals.

‘This is reminiscent of 2007, just before the property crash, when people were buying property without doing their due diligence and simply believing the sales hype that the market is booming.’

He said that in northern cities such as Liverpool and Manchester, many new-build flats were being sold to Chinese investors for 25 to 30 per cent above market value.

Recent studies have revealed many parts of the country are in the grip of a house price bubble. Prices in some London boroughs have risen by 30 per cent in just a year. Other hotposts such as Manchester and Brighton have seen double-digit increases.

Last night, Liberal Democrat MP Simon Hughes called for tougher rules to prevent housing developers selling exclusively to overseas buyers.

He said: ‘I believe that it should be a legal requirement of receiving planning permission that these properties are advertised here first.’

Business Secretary Vince Cable admitted home ownership had become ‘unaffordable’ to the middle classes.

House of Fraser, one of Britain’s oldest department store chains, is the latest UK household name to be sold to the Chinese

He warned that the bubble developing in the housing market could prove to be more serious than during the last property crash. Mr Cable said: ‘The fundamental problem is a chronic imbalance between supply and demand.

'A recovering mortgage market is just fuelling demand again. A family on an average income is nowhere near able to afford a house at the average price.’

He pointed out that the stamp duty net has been widened to catch more wealthy foreigners who buy homes in Britain through company structures to avoid tax.

Research by estate agent Savills found 51 per cent of prime Central London property was sold to overseas buyers in the last 12 months. This figure rose to 80 per cent for prime new-build properties in the capital.

In South London, the new Chinese owners of the historic Ram Brewery – a seven-acre site in Wandsworth – have openly admitted they will be targeting foreign buyers.

The £600million site will be turned into a new ‘town centre’ with 661 new homes, shops, bars and restaurants.

But instead of supplying much-needed housing to local residents, it will be bought mainly by ‘rich and middle-class Chinese’, admitted Zhang Yuliang, the chairman of Shanghai-based developers Greenland Group.

Angela Lin of JA One, a firm helping Chinese investors to find property in London, said her clients saw the UK market as a ‘safe place’ to invest.

She said: ‘People in China want to invest in the UK because it has steady growth.’

But Adam Challis, head of residential research at Jones Lang LaSalle, said the trend should be welcomed.

He said: ‘After the economic downturn it became very difficult to secure this kind of investment.

‘So the reality is that it was the international investors who stepped in. As a result, there is more housing for British people, not less.’

New figures from Halifax yesterday showed prices rose by 8.7 per cent in the year to March, the highest rate of increase since October 2007.

I think buying in London is OK, although prices are inflated; buying in Liverpool, Manchester and Birmingham is just sheer stupidity.:lol

