
我家宝宝英国出生后,5个月时回国,我刚拿到PR, 是否可以用MN1表格直接在英国申请入籍?


“ Q1: Can my son apply for naturalisation?

In the child was born in the UK before one parent had ILR/PR, then once one parent is granted ILR, the child is entitled register as BC under section 1(3) of the British Nationality Act irrespective of their immigration status.

This application is an entitlement and as such the HO has no discretion in the decision if the statutory requirements are met. The application can be made any time before the child is 18. The only documents required are UK birth certificate and evidence that parent obtained ILR/PR. The application can be made if the child is in the UK or abroad.

Q2: My child has been away from the UK. Can he apply for Registration?

There are no residential requirements for application under section 1(3) (child born in the UK before parent was granted ILR/PR).

If application under section 3(1) (children born abroad) - There are no residential requirements for children under 13 years old. Children 13-16 years old are expected to have lived in the UK for 2 years before applying. Children who moved to the UK aged 16 or more are likely to get refused and should apply as adults once they meet the Naturalisation requirements.”


:slight_smile: 终于打通移民局的电话了,宝宝只要是在英国出生,即使后来回国,并且人在境外也可以在英国用MN1申请入籍,再申请ROA入境,不用先在中国申请PR,这样省了很多事!

很好很好!很有用的信息。 顶一个!