紧急求助 谢谢 学生签证最多允许签几年?

紧急求助 谢谢 学生签证最多允许签几年?




我现在就读了2 年的语言

如果是LEVEL NQF6/QCF6/SCQF9(学士学位)就是5年,加MASTER是6年,PHD是8年。


Level 6 及以上,非PHD课程的一律5年总年限,PHD加你列出的课程除外。如果有证明本科的学制是4年的, level 6以上总年限提高到6年。PHD的8年是说,如果完成了一个PHD学位,这个时候再想读新的课程,就要看过往所有学生签证的总年限,如果新的课程导致会给超过8年的学生签证,就会拒签。如果是在读的PHD学位一直没学完,还是可以续签超过8年的。

另外还有一个18岁以上,level 6以下的课程3年的年限。还有纯语言不超过2年。



• you are studying for a Master’s degree at a Recognised Body or at a HEI, following
the successful completion of an undergraduate degree where the duration of that
degree course was four or five academic years. If this applies to you, the limit will
be set at six years in total instead of five.

  1. The following scenarios are examples of course combinations that would be acceptable:
    • A Tier 4 migrant spends 1 year studying a foundation degree programme, followed by
    4 years studying a Bachelor’s degree, followed by 2 years studying a Master’s degree
    at an HEI.
    • A Tier 4 migrant spends 2 years studying a Scottish HND, followed by 2 years
    studying a Scottish Honours degree, followed by 2 years studying a Master’s degree
    at a Recognised.
    • A Tier 4 migrant spends 2 years studying A levels (as an adult student), followed by
    4 years studying a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, followed by 2 years studying a
    research or professional Master’s degree at an HEI.
    • A Tier 4 migrant spends 3 years studying a university validated degree at a private
    college, followed by a one or two year master’s at a Recognised Body or private
    • A Tier 4 migrant spends 4 years studying an undergraduate course, followed by a 1
    year post graduate diploma at an HEI, followed by a 1 year MBA at an HEI
    • A Tier 4 migrant spends 4 years studying an integrated Master’s course at an
    HEI, followed by a two year MPhil at Recognised Body, would be able to meet this
    requirement of the Immigration Rules.
    • A Tier 4 migrant spends 5 years studying an integrated masters degree, followed by a
    1 year MBA.
    • A Tier 4 migrant spends 5 years studying an undergraduate degree followed by a
    three year Masters degree in music.


谢谢 各位朋友的回答

我在考虑是不时值得凑个10年 呵呵 本人已经来了5年了 但由于和HOMEOFFICE 打官司 耽误了3年 但最最终是赢了, 但也没什么意义了, 今年30了

再五年 35 了,

哈哈 对 35了
