【发帖赢大奖】【美味情缘】可爱好吃的cake pop

不知道大家有没有听说最近很流行的CAKE POP

简直是大人小孩party 必备,作为儿童party的goodie bag礼物 或者饭后甜点的好主意。 又或者各大cake sale, charity 筹款义卖 也是很受欢迎的呢

不多说, 上图片, 来几张成品图

方法我是按着bbc的菜谱做的,准备的东西有棒棒糖的棒棒, 360g蛋糕,100g白巧克力或黑巧克力(作binding agent)。 然后85g白色或黑色巧克力做coating, 然后装饰的sprinkle拉。

  1. Crumble the cake with your hands. Do this by breaking the cake in half and rubbing them against each other. You can also use a food processor to do this.
  2. Melt the chocolate in the microwave for 30 second intervals.
  3. Combine the melted chocolate and cake crumbs together.
  4. Next, start rolling the cake crumbs into cake balls. Do this by using a tablespoon.
  5. Let them chill in the freezer for 15 minutes. You dont want them to be frozen. You just want to firm them up.
  6. Take the cake balls out of the freezer. Start to melt your chocolate for the coating.
  7. Dip your lollipop stick half an inch in the melted chocolate. Then push it in the cake ball, halfway up.
  8. Place in the fridge for 5 minutes. Take them back out again and dip them in the melted chocolate until the cake pop is completely covered. Before dipping them into the melted chocolate, mix in 1tsp of canola or vegetable oil. This will make the melted chocolate more smoother and easier to coat the cake pop.
  9. Decorate with sprinkles, etc. Place onto a styrofoam block and allow to chill.







这东西不是一直都很流行吗, 外国人特别有小孩的, 开PARTY 必做。

我看着都觉得甜的要死。。。 不好意思我不爱吃甜食 :stuck_out_tongue:


我自己做出来就吃过一个, 确实很甜。不过这个不就是party哄小孩的嘛,的确很popular

步骤比较多, 不过没有什么技术含量。包成功

可爱可爱!! LZ 好有耐心!
我家里还有好多棒棒,想做这种cake pop,又觉得太麻烦。。。





嗯, 小孩都喜欢