

我表姐他们夫妇今年3月初从中国过来的时候带了10多条烟还有一些在香港机场买的 优的良品的肉类包装零食过海关的时候被抽查到,全部都被扣押当时还说会发信要罚款。


We are enquiring into your customs duty/Import VAT/Excise Duty affairs and have reason to believe that conduct involving dishonesty may have occurred in relation to your EU/UK Customs obligations.
You may wish to show this letter to your adviser, if you have one.

I enclose Public Notice 300 in respect of Customs Duty and Import VAT and Public Notice 160 in respect of Excise duty for your benefit. These detail the procedures we use in this type of enquiry.
They also explain your rights and I advise you please read them carefully.
The matters that are subject to this enquiry are your involvement in the smuggling, or attempted smuggling, of tobacco and/or alcohol products into the UK that have not had the appropriate duty paid on them.
This enqurey will be conducted with a view to the recovery, where appropriate, of any duty/tax arrears and interest. If there is sufficient evidence of dishonest conduct, the imposition of a Civil Evasion Penalty will be
considered under Section25(1) of Finance Act 2003 for the evasion of Customs duty and Import VAT; and under Section8(1) of Finance Act 1994 for theevasion of Excise duty.
This enquiry will not be conducted with a view to a criminal investigation leading to prosecution in relation to the matters subect to this enquiry.
No decision has yet been made on whether there has been dishonest conduct. We will keep an open mind that there may be an innocent explanation for the suspected irregularities. If our suspicions of dishonest conduct are confirmed, we will consider the issuing of civil evasion penalties which can be up to 100% of the duty evaded, or attempted to be evaded.

You do not have to cooperate with this enquiry; the extent to which you cooperate or not is entirely a matter for you. Your rights are also protected under the Human Rights Act; I have enclosed factsheet
CC/FS9 which explains your rights; please read it carefully.

Should you ddecide to co-operate with this enquiry you will have the opportunity to significantly reduce any penalties that may become due. This can be achieved by promptly making a full disclosure by providing full details of your involvement in the (attempted) smuggling of alcohol and/or tabacco products into the UK between periods 28/02/2013 to 25/09/2014.

Further reductions in any penalties can also be achieved by continuing to cooperate throughout the investigation. For example by promptly replaying to correspondence, answering our questions, providing any requested paperwork, or attending meetings where requested by either you or us.
How you may earn a reduction in the size of any penalty is more fully explained in the enclosed Public Notice 300 at section 3 and Public Notice 160 at sections 2.3 and 2.3.1.

I f you are willing to co-operate with this enquiry and prefer to deal with the matter by correspondence, we are happy to do so. If this is the case, please provide the following information within 30 days of the date of this letter;

A copy of this letter(copy enclosed) signed and dated by you, as acknowledgment that you have read the Factsheet CC/FS9, Public Notice 160 and Public Notice 300 and understand their contents. If you have any questions regarding any of these, please contact me on the above number.
Confirmation of who was involved in the smuggling(attempt)
For each person involved, please confirm exactly what they did.
For each person involved,please confirm why they did it.
A full explanation as to how the smuggling(attempt) was carried out.
Confirmation as how many times and when(the dates)alcohol and tobacco products were smuggled(or attempts made to smuggle them) into the Uk.
For each occasion please confirm the quantity.
Any documentation you consider will support the information you are providing.
Any other information/explanations you consider may be of use to this enquiry.

You should be fully aware that if you do co-operate with this enquiry, we may use what you say, or any information you provide, in assessing your liability to duty/tax or to a penalty or in any Tribunal proceedings. Furthermore, you should be aware that we expect you to be honest. If you make a statement that you know to be untrue or provide us with a document that you know to be untrue, it may render you liable to criminal prosecutioon for the submission of that false statement or document.
Although you do not have to co-operate with this enquiry, failure to do so will be reflected in the size of any penalty that may become applicable.
If you would prefer that I deal directly with your adviser please complete the attached form ___ return it to me at the address.
If you would prefer to telephone me to discuss the contents of this letter, please contact me on…
If there is anything about your health or personal circumstances …that I can help you in the most appropriate way.

If I do not hear from you or your adviser within 30 days of the date of this letter, I shall assume that you do not wish to cooperate with this process and will continue my own investigation.



虽然也是岛国,英国不像澳大利亚或者新西兰有非常严格的隔离制度,有些食物比如水果蔬菜等还是可以在2公斤以内以自用的前提带入英国, 见 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/bringing-food-products-into-the-uk


建议也看看这个,https://www.gov.uk/personal-food-plant-and-animal-product-imports, 下拉找food from outside of EU



















