东伦敦 Small Business 免费咨询会

机构:East London Small Business Centre
时间:October 23rd 5.30-6.30pm
Entry is free
Come and find out about how we can support your existing business or chat about a new Start up idea.
5.30pm registration for a 6pm start

地点:Old Town Hall Stratford, 29 the Broadway, Stratford, London E15 4BQ
Nearest Tube is Stratford, on the Central, Jubilee and Overground lines. Nearest DLR is Stratford High Street.

Car parking available in adjacent car park, entrance in West Ham Lane, and at the Stratford Centre car park.


ps. 斑竹个人参加过这个机构组织的business support, 感觉很有帮助,尤其对刚刚起步创业的同学。

另有Essex 免费Business access to funding 讲座, 请看链接 bbs.powerapple.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=2580962


英国华人创业群 207268161 欢迎你的加入