LZ的律师在2014年10月13日将翻译件邮寄给法庭,14日收到,并且法官判决appeal allowed。随后HO提出上诉。
It is clear that at the date of application, and the date of appeal, the Appellant (指Lz我)could not meet the requirements of the Entrepreneur based rules as correct documentation had not been provided.
I do not understand what paragraph 17 means when it says" I gave the Appellant the opportunity to produce translated copies".庭上法官给机会5个工作日提交翻译件。
It was always for the Appellant to provide documentation which was compliant with the rules. And for the Respondent to be given an opportunity to comment on it.
The Judge appears to have strayed into the realms of being primary fact finder because the translatons of the relevant documents were not made available until 5 days after the Appeal (on 14/10/2014).
The Respondent does not appear to have seen them at all.