#圣诞快乐# 如果你家小孩收到这款礼物,你会若无其事吗?

Play doh ‘ruins Christmas’ with it’s - ahem - fancy shaped ‘tool’

2~不当回事 (客人来如果在地上在角落发现这不明物体又不好意思问,浮想联翩…)


p/s: 当然很多小孩并不会对这东西有奇怪联想,它就是一玩具而已


Parents have been complaining in their droves after their children unwrapped a rather phallic looking toy as part of a Play Doh modelling set this Christmas.

The toy is actually an ‘extruder tool’ to squirt fake icing.

It comes as part of a Play Doh ‘Cake Mountain’ kit.

Here’s the ‘extruder tool’ and a comment posted on Twitter:

Name: play doh penis.jpg
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Image Twitter

Parents took to Play Doh’s Facebook page to complain. One mum posted:

“This is NOT okay. This completely ruined our Christmas”

Others found that it added some mirth to their Christmas day. One parent posted:

" I bought the kit for my daughter … Honestly I cried laughing !! She is too young to even know what the tool resembles. Well done design team you guys are hilarious"

Another helpfully posted a photo of the said ‘tool’ with pink play doh inside

Name: play doh willy.jpg
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Back in November Hasbro started getting complaints about the ‘extruder tool’ and in the US issued this apology:

“We have heard some consumer feedback about the extruder tool in the Play-Doh Cake Mountain play set and are in the process of updating all future Play-Doh products with a different tool.”

Just today they posted this message on their Facebook page:

“We have heard some consumer feedback about the extruder tool in the Play-Doh Cake Mountain playset and are in the process of updating all future Play-Doh products with a different tool. Should any consumer want a replacement extruder for this item, they can contact Hasbro’s Customer Service Department at 800-327-8264”

What would you have thought if your children had opened this Play Doh kit?

Whole family have good laugh.