

When should I plant tulips?

Most modern gardening requires extensive watering during the summer months. Tulips like most other bulbs loathe sitting in water. Unlike daffodils for instance, tulips don’t root until later in the year when the weather turns colder. The ideal planting time is from October until December (provided the soil is still workable).

How deep should I plant my bulbs?

Generally tulips should be planted 10-15cm deep depending on your soil type and 12-15cm apart. The key to success is good soil preparation. Although tulips like lots of moisture during the growing season they cannot tolerate having their roots standing in water. If you use a bulb planter, work the soil to make sure you haven’t compacted it, which could cause water to sit in the bottom of the hole.

What compost should I use in tubs or containers?

It is important to use a soil-based compost. A peat compost can burn the roots of your tulips, while a soiless compost tends to compact and dry out far too quickly and therefore neither is recommended for use. Also consider that tulips in tubs are more susceptible to drought, since tubs can dry out from both the top downward and the sides inwards - unlike in a garden where the soil only dries from the top downwards.


