五岁的孩子因为无故缺席同学爬梯收到Party no show fee账单,大家怎么看

A five-year-old was billed for failing to attend a friend’s birthday party - resulting in threats of legal action.

Alex Nash, from Cornwall, was invited to the party just before Christmas.

An invoice for £15.95 was sent by his schoolfriend’s mother Julie Lawrence, who said Alex’s non-attendance left her out of pocket and his parents had her details to tell her he was not going.

Alex’s father Derek said he had been told he would be taken to the small claims court for refusing to pay.

Alex’s parents, from Torpoint, had accepted an invitation to the party at a dry ski slope in Plymouth, Devon, just before Christmas.

However, they realised their son was double-booked and due to spend time with his grandparents, which he did.
Analysis: Clive Coleman, BBC legal correspondent

It is all but impossible that Ms Lawrence will be able to recover the £15.95 party “no show fee”.

Any claim would be on the basis that a contract had been created, which included a term that a “no show” fee would be charged.

However, for there to be a contract, there needs to be an intention to create legal relations. A child’s party invitation would not create legal relations with either the child “guest” or its parents.

If it is being argued that the contract is with the child, it is inconceivable that a five-year-old would be seen by a court as capable of creating legal relations and entering into a contract with a “no show” charge.

It’s amusing to imagine what a children’s party invitation seeking to create a contract might say: "I, the ‘first party’, hereinafter referred to as the ‘birthday boy’, cordially invite you the ‘second party’, hereinafter referred to as ‘my best friend’, to the party of ‘the first party’.

His parents said they had no contact information for Ms Lawrence at that time.

They found the invoice in a brown envelope in his schoolbag last week.

Mr Nash said: "It was a proper invoice with full official details and even her bank details on it.

"I can understand that she’s upset about losing money. The money isn’t the issue, it’s the way she went about trying to get the money from me.

I do think it is reasonable! But would know if Alex said he would come or not.
If he promised to come but still not, the fee is quite necessary. That will teach one how to keep his promise!




那就是答应去了, 后来不守诺言没去的。 花钱买个教训吧。
平时我身边有类似的成年中国人, 讲好了一件事情, 临时改主意, 放别人鸽子, 贼没教养。


生日趴是算好人头的,catering, 场地,还有表演等等,好多都是先算好人头再预定的,说好了去结果不去起码应该把礼物或支票送去,no show确实不礼貌啊,那主家也没必要再对这种人客气。









我结婚的也是 婚前反复确认来不来 好多都是当天才说有事 都是在英国的人不懂英国都是按人头付的饭钱?我反正不信。

什么事比别个一辈子就结一次婚大 有事人不到礼钱还不给 以后找我我也有事