

我公司用中行过几次 有点慢 但是至少可以贷款。


哇他, 6次???{:5_135:}








只要是 有国内的工资单 付得起20%首付就可以

中行只有浮动利息 现在 买来自住的利息 还是3.19%

我要银子 继续发言

  1. Original Mortgage Application Form 住房贷款申请表原件
  2. Original Personal Account Application Form 个人开户申请表原件
  3. Certified copy of valid passport(s), 护照复印件(含签名页)
  4. Certified copy of National ID Card(s) (Applicants from Mainland China & Hong Kong SAR only) 居民身份证复印件,仅适用于中国大陆和香港的申请人。
  1. Proof of main residential address dated within last 3 months (e.g utility bills, bank statements, council tax bill for the current tax year, etc) 现住址证明(例如:水费、电费、煤气费单;有地址的银行流水对账单等。只需要提供其中任何一份,日期不能旧于最近三个月)
  2. Last 3 months bank statements 最近三个月的银行流水对账单
  3. Last 3 months payslips 最近三个月的工资单
  4. Tax statement 税收证明
    a. Applicants reside in UK must provide last P60;
    b. Applicants reside in China must provide their latest Income Tax Payment Certificate (个人完税证明);
    c. Applicants reside in Hong Kong must provide latest Salaries Tax Assessment from the Inland Revenue Department (www.irf.gov.hk);
    d. Applicants reside in Singapore must provide their latest Notice of Assessment from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (www.iras.gov.sg);
  5. Credit Reference 信用证明
    a. Applicants reside in UK can obtain a credit reference from Experian, Equifax or Call Credit;
    b. Applicants reside in China can obtain a credit reference from the Peoples Bank of China (中国人民银行信用报告);
    c. Applicants reside in Hong Kong can obtain a credit reference from www.transunion.hk;
    d. Applicants reside in Singapore can obtain a credit reference from
    e. Applicants reside in Taiwan can obtain a credit reference from www.jck.org.tw (台湾金融联合征信中心)
  1. Proof of Deposit 贷款首付证明
    Please also provide the following documents if applicable:
  2. existing liability details, e.g. mortgage statements, personal loan statements 现有借贷的详细信息
  3. Property Title Deed 房产证明
  4. Proof of rental income e.g. Tenancy Agreement 租金收入证明
    If self-employed, please provide the following documents instead as proof of income:
  5. Certificate of Incorporation 公司营业执照
  6. Memorandum and Articles of Association 公司章程
  7. Company’s last 3 years audited financial accounts 公司最近三年的财务审计报告
  8. Company’s last 3 months bank statements 公司账户最近三个月的银行流水对账

没有银子 不开心:Q

好吧 我认了 再给一次就闪

