请教一下 nanny duty list

准备给小朋友找个伦敦 nanny。想问一下有经验的妈妈,合同里 nanny duty 有哪些?

我自己写了几个,希望大家 帮忙补充 & 指正:

  1. preparing food and snack
  2. caring for sick children and administering medicine when needed
  3. helping children with general hygiene
  4. providing developmentally appropriate educational games
  5. teaching manners and other socially appropriate behavior
  6. taking children to sleep at nap time & bed time
  7. Reading to children
  8. arranging outdoor activities & visiting libraries and parks
  9. tidying up children’s play area & kitchen


•Create a stimulating, nurturing, and safe environment for the children
•Supervise the children’s activities at all times
•Plan and prepare meals and bottles for, and feed, the children
•Dress the children
•Place the children down for naps and bedtime
•Bathe the children
•Change diapers
•Potty train the children
•Perform housework related to child care, including washing the children’s clothes, cleaning up after meals, tidying play areas, and washing bottles
•Teach the children good social manners
•Play with the children, both indoors and outdoors
•Plan and lead educational activities, including reading, with the children
•Discipline the children, when necessary
•Drive the children to and from activities
•Administer medicine to the children

发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com



我最近也在纠结送nursery 好还是请nanny 好? 跟着nanny 学不了东西但就不会老是传染感冒。虽然现在有一个在试用,但还在纠结中。

少爷在国内 生了一场大病,打算让他舒服一年再说。

我们年底生病太多,一个月加起来去nursery 才一周半,一点点风吹草动就电话我去接他回来然后就是48小时不能再去。我老板优点火了,我觉得这个 nursery 的钱花得不值得,nanny 不管小孩生病不生病她都要来的,不影响我上班。

没办法,我这种 t2 下生存的人,连辞职在家看孩子都不行 :cn03:

发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com


我们今年冬天过的也很黑暗,不过那时候我公婆在家,少爷一周只上三天,一般他剩下的四天用来生病:cn14: 基本上每周都病没缺过,冤枉钱花的不是特别多,好像三月头就好了,现在我们大人病倒了他都生龙活虎的。

你们两口子谁是dependent啊?不行让dependent的那个先转part time?熬出来了就好了~

我老公是 depandent 但是他挣得多。。。 :cn01:

反正先 nanny 一年,等他三岁了再看看。贵是贵,不过 感觉还是值回票价的。

哦,discipline 那条忘记了。谢谢提醒 :)