
大家好,我家儿子3岁,正在potty training, 一周多了,大部分情况都能到potty上尿尿,还算顺利。但是有个问题很困扰,也让他很frustrated, 就是经常会尿到外面去,裤子又全湿了。我观察了一下,是小叽叽尿尿的时候不是跑到外面就是尿歪,potty前面高起来那块根本挡不住。请有经验的妈妈们推荐一下适合男孩用的potty吧?



我家没有正适potty training,就是换尿布的时候上去坐坐。我家的比较喜欢用seat,可能感觉比较像成人?potty用的不多。

借lz贴哭一下,小男孩potty training好痛苦啊。反复的很啊。几个月前都能在potty里便便尿尿了,结果忽然某天开始又抗拒了。死活不愿意用potty,也不愿意用seat。就是死活不要,死憋着。哭着求着让包回尿片。怕他有心理阴影,不敢太强破。哭求着还是只能包上,包上马上就拉/尿……唉

原来potty training不是这么简单,我还打算买个fisher price my potty friend就搞定呢
发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com

Thanks for all your replies.

maizix, I bought the tippitoes, very good as the front is high and my boy won’t miss the potty again!

icevapour, life is tough being boy’s mum.

yozii : tippitoes is good especially for boys, it is designed to make boy sit lower (than the one I was using), so it is safe for your floor but no as comfy as the others.