欢迎大家讨论New childcare scheme


请问有没有妈妈研究过将会在今年9月实行的新childcare scheme呢?可能找的方法不对我没找到一个详细的解释。

只知道呆在旧政策的可以选择留在旧政策也可以加入新政策,一旦退出加入新政策就不能再回到旧政策了;如果9月份之后加入childcare scheme就只能进去新的,所以还没有加入的父母可以现在赶紧加入,9月份的时候再选择留在旧的还是新的政策。

但听说新旧政策哪个省钱是和你孩子每个月花在childcare 的钱的多少还有父母的收入多少有关。

发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com

Information on the New Tax Free Childcare

The new scheme is called Tax-Free Childcare and is scheduled to launch in Autumn 2015 and will work differently to the current Childcare Voucher Scheme operated by employers.

There is still little information about the new Tax-Free Childcare scheme but at present it looks like the Government, through HMRC and National Savings and Investments, will operate Tax-Free Childcare.

Not everyone will be eligible for the new Tax-Free Childcare scheme, and employees will not be able to join the existing childcare voucher scheme after the Tax-Free Childcare scheme has launched. If employees are already registered into a childcare voucher scheme they can choose to stay in for as long as the employer operates a scheme.

Key facts about Tax-Free Childcare:

If parents are part of a two-parent family, then both parents have to be working to be eligible for Tax-Free Childcare, each earning less that £150,000 a year and not receiving the childcare element of tax credits.
Tax-Free Childcare will only be available for children under 5 initially or under 17 for children with disabilities, extending to all children under 12 within the first year (the current scheme is open to children aged under 16, or 17 if disabled).
Tax-Free Childcare is open to self-employed parents, whereas the current scheme is not.

Importantly, existing childcare voucher schemes won’t close – Apple Childcare Vouchers will continue to operate once Tax-Free Childcare has launched, but employees will need to remain registered to continue to use it. If an employee switches to Tax-Free Childcare, they will not be able to switch back to childcare vouchers at a later date.

The winners and losers

Tax-free childcare will provide higher savings for many parents, including the self-employed and those with high childcare costs. However, some parents are better off under the existing arrangements.
Parents who sign up to the current childcare voucher scheme will be able to remain in the scheme, so they will not be disadvantaged by the proposed 2015 changes. However, if they move to a new employer after Autumn 2015, they will be considered to have left the current scheme and be forced to switch to the new arrangements.
Some parents will not be ready to use childcare vouchers until after the new scheme starts. In some cases, these parents will receive lower savings from the new arrangements than they would have had under the current scheme.
The new scheme will not be available to families where either parent earns over £150,000, whereas the current scheme allows high earners to enjoy tax savings at the same level as basic-rate taxpayers.
The new arrangement will not provide any National Insurance savings (currently worth up to 12% for basic-rate taxpayers and up to 13.8% for employers). For some employers, this will be a significant loss, which could have a knock-on effect on the amount, which they are able to spend on other employee benefits. Local authorities and NHS Trusts are among the employers who will be hit, potentially leaving a hole of hundreds of thousands of pounds in their budgets.
Childcare Vouchers provide basic-rate taxpayers with savings of up to 32% of childcare costs, while higher-rate taxpayers save up to 42% of childcare costs. In comparison, Tax-Free Childcare only provides savings of up to 20% of childcare costs.
The 20% rebate from Tax-Free Childcare applies to childcare costs of up to £10,000 a year per child, whereas the tax relief from Childcare Vouchers applies to costs of up to £2,916 a year per parent or £5,832 per couple.
In general, parents will only be better off under the new scheme if their childcare costs are higher than the figures shown in the table below. Parents with lower childcare costs would be better off with childcare vouchers.

Family circumstances

Level of monthly childcare costs after which tax-free childcare becomes the better option

Single parent, basic-rate taxpayer

£ 389

Single parent, higher-rate taxpayer, joined childcare vouchers before 6th April 2011

£ 510

Single parent, higher-rate taxpayer, joined childcare vouchers after 5th April 2011

£ 260

Couple, both basic-rate taxpayers

£ 778

Couple, one basic-rate taxpayer, one higher-rate taxpayer who joined childcare vouchers after 5th April 2011

£ 649

Couple, both higher-rate taxpayers who joined childcare vouchers after 5th April 2011

£ 521

发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com


最重要一点,如果两人,一个是higer-tax payer, 另一个是家庭主妇或者是兼职工作那又怎么样呢?相信如果没家里人帮忙照顾,在英国很多女士生孩子后都必须辞掉工作带孩子,直到孩子能上childcare为止吧?

根据表格你应该看Single parent, higher-rate taxpayer, joined childcare vouchers before 6th April 2011 £ 510
或者Single parent, higher-rate taxpayer, joined childcare vouchers after 5th April 2011 260, 符合其中情况的一种就是新政策好。否则就是旧政策
发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com

上面贴的是如果你是家庭主妇的情况,老公higher rate taxpayer。如果你兼职而老公higher rate taxpayer,又符合下面情况那就新政策好:Couple, one basic-rate taxpayer, one higher-rate taxpayer who joined childcare vouchers after 5th April 2011 £ 649

发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com

这个国家就是那么变态,税给得越多,享受福利越少。甚至连不做工的都不如。兼职也算basic rate tax payer吗? 达不到最低水平,好像不用付tax的吧。

我家孩子还不到一岁,所以送nursery的时间减少,2/5或更多的费用是给private babysitter. 这部分是new scheme cover不了的。nursery 费用目前500多。
如果是ls列的数据, 好像old scheme更省。但我自己算了一下, 两者也差不多, 243 20%的税,和124的40%税 vs tax-free的20%。 数学不好,算错了?
我的问题是: 倾向于先不转入tax-free, 但好像因为old scheme是Employer-Supported Childcare, 如果一方的employer取消support,不转也不行,理解对吗?

发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com

New scheme居然不cover private babysitter?!那childminder呢?

我的问题是: 倾向于先不转入tax-free, 但好像因为old scheme是Employer-Supported Childcare, 如果一方的employer取消support,不转也不行,理解对吗?—对于这个问题,我觉得你的理解是正确的。但看二楼的信息,旧的对于雇主还有利,所以他们应该会愿意留下吧。
发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com


我用的是到家看孩子的nanny,所以cover。childminder只要是registered childcare provider就包括。