

We are pleased to confirm that we have now received the contract pack from the seller’s solicitor and we have received the results to the various searches that we have put in action. Please find contract pack and searches attached. We have also raised a set of enquiries with the seller’s solicitor and we also attach those for your information.

We would comment as follows in relation to the contract pack:-

  1.  You will see that I have inserted your full names by hand on the contract. Please check that the spellings of your names are correct and that your address is also correct. The property you are purchasing is 35 Carlton Road, Bournemouth and the purchase price is £265,000.00 as per the agent’s particulars via Edwards Estate Agents. If any of these details are incorrect, please let me know as soon as possible.
  2.  You will see the Land Registry records official copy of register of title describes the owners at entry of the Proprietorship Register as Justin Paul Furmage and Deborah Alison Turner. The owners correspond with the names of the sellers in the contract. You will see at entry 2 of the Property Register that your land has the benefit of but is also subject to rights of drainage across the drains depicted in blue on the attached plan marked “Drainage Plan”.  You will see the position of the drain running across the rear of your property, which you share it appears with the next door neighbours. You will see that the properties are marked 1, 2 and 3 on that plan. That is not the address of the properties, but rather their old plot numbers. Moving onto the Charges Register, you will see that the current owner has a mortgage at the property but we will obtain a solicitor’s undertaking that this will be cleared when you purchase the property.
  3.  Moving onto the Property Information Form, this form contains details about how the property is run and maintained and any issues in relation to the repair, insurance or  maintenance of the property from time to time including whether there are or have been any works done to the property or whether there have been any disputes regarding the property. Please read the answers carefully. You will see at question 1.5 the right side of your roof projects under 33 Carlton Road by four inches and there is two foot height difference. Please see the seller’s response to 5.1, which confirms at (b) that there have been damp proofing works and there have also been timber treatment works and works to windows and electrical works. The seller has provided a copy of the electrical safety certificate and also the damp proof guarantee but has not provided any works in relation to timber treatment or insulation of any windows, we have raised an enquiry in this regard. You will see from point 6 that the seller does insure the property and has had no insures in insuring the property with regard to excess premiums or unusual conditions. You will see from point 7 that the property has not been subject to flooding during the seller’s ownership. You will see at 7.3 that the seller has confirmed that a flood risk report has been prepared, but contrary to their indication they have not supplied a copy of this. You can see at replies to 7.6 and 7.7 that cavity wall insulation and loft insulation was completed in 2014 but we have not been provided with any evidence of this and we have requested this. You will see from the response to question 9 that there is off road parking plus parking on the road and the indication at 9.2 is that the property is not within a controlled parking zone so the indication suggests that you would be able to park a car on the road should you wish, although it would be advisable to check this via a visit to the property. You will see from the response to 12.3 that there is a gas heating system, which was last serviced in 2014. The indication is that a copy of the gas safety certificate is enclosed but it has not been included with the paperwork sent to us. You will see from the seller’s response to 12.4 that the property is connected to foul water drainage and surface water drainage. Please see the responses to question 13 for details of the current utilities providers at the property. You will see from the seller’s replies to 14.2 that the sellers wish to complete in mid-June if possible as they are on holiday between 8th and 23rd July 2015. Mid-June is fast approaching and therefore it is important that we push forward and also receive our replies to enquiries as soon as possible.

You will see from the Property Preservation Certificate of Guarantee that works have been carried out in relation to (i) rising damp (ii) replastering and (iii) timber treatment. I suggest that you make your own enquiries and possibly instruct a building survey relating to this property as it is clear that there have been some difficulties previously with rising damp at the property. We have raised a further enquiry in this regard but a survey is something that you should seriously consider.

  1.  Turning now to the Fixtures, Fittings and Contents Form, please read this carefully being particularly careful to note all of those items which are excluded. Those particular items are items which are currently at the property but will be removed by the seller. All other items found at the property will be left. If there are items that are excluded but you would like those to stay, it is possible for you to put forward an offer to purchase those items for a price. Should you wish to do so, you should let me know as soon as possible.
  2.  Turning now to the Energy Performance Certificate, you will see that the current rating is F and the score is 33 and there are potential things that you can do in order to improve the energy efficiency of the property to take it up to a potential C rating. Please see the Energy Performance Certificate for more details.

Turning now to the searches:-

  1.  You will see that the Chancel Repair Report confirms that the property is located within the boundary of a district of chancel repair potential liability. I suggest therefore that we purchase the Chancel Repair Policy to cover any costs that might be incurred by a claim from the local church.
  2.  Turning to the Envirosearch, this search tells you about the ground conditions and environmental factors of the nearby area. The headline result is that this property passes and can be insured on reasonable terms. We are not specialists in this area so you are advised to read the report in detail and if you have any questions or queries please raise these with us. Pointing you in the direction of Section 6 which indicates that there are overhead power lines or mobile phone masts within the vicinity of the property and therefore please identify where these are and ensure that you are comfortable with their location.
  3.  Turning now to the local authority search dated 12th May 2015, this indicates that Carlton Road is a road maintainable at public expense which means that the local authority will maintain and repair the road with no additional costs to you and you will not be asked to repair or maintain the roadway in any way. The majority of highways in this country are maintainable at public expense. You will see that the local authority search on page 12 of 14 supports what was said in the Property Information Form in that a gas boiler was installed in 2006.
  4.  Turning now to the water and drainage search, you will see from pages towards the rear of this search the route of the combined sewer and surface water sewer at the property which runs west to east along Carlton Road into Vale Road. You will also see the location of the manholes. You will also see on a separate plan the route of the water mains which again run down Carlton Road. The water and drainage search makes it clear that the property does connect to the foul water sewer and also the surface water sewer and is connected to the mains water supply.

If you have any question or queries in relation to this email or any of the attachments that we have provided, then please do not hesitate to contact us. If you are happy with the details, please could you arrange an appointment to attend the office to sign the contract as soon as possible.

Kind regards

看起来没有严重问题 但是买房大事情 一定要都读懂。。。

另外貌似没提Vacant Posession 房子里面现在有租客吗?



我们会在评论有关合同包如下: -







现在转到搜索: -























3。现在地方政府搜索月第十二日2015,这表明,卡尔顿的道路是一条维护公共费用这意味着地方政府将维护和维修道路,没有额外的费用给你,你将不会被要求修理或维护任何巷道。这个国家大多数的公路维护的公共费用。你会看到在14支持所说的属性信息表,燃气锅炉安装2006 12页的地方搜索。



