资金来源律师要多收100镑 顺便更新其他收费


顺便请论坛前辈帮忙看一下这个律师收费是否合理。 第一次买房没有经验。谢谢前辈们了。

Estimate of Costs: Proposed Purchase

Tenure Freehold
Proposed Purchase Price (approx) £312,000.00
Our charges £563.00
Provision of Land Registry Searches £15.00
Administration Fee for arranging Telegraphic Transfer (TT) £25.00
Administration Fee for carrying out electronic Money Laundering checks per name £10.00
Preparation of Stamp Duty Tax Form £50.00
Acting for Lender Fee £50.00
Sub total £713.00
VAT thereon £142.60

Local Authority Search (Leeds area only) £58.00
Drainage & Water Search £45.36
Mining Search £38.40
Environmental Search £48.00
Chancel Search £24.00
Land Registry Fee £135.00
Stamp Duty Land Tax £5,600.00
Total £6804.36

The following costs will be added where appropriate

Unregistered Property Fee £150.00 plus VAT
New Build Property Fee £100.00 plus VAT
Leasehold Property Fee £150.00 plus VAT

发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com

好的 明白了 谢谢。




发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com

发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com

Where does 额外的工作量 come from?
You provide the document, they keep it in file.
Unless you think putting a document in file worth 100 pounds…

我也是因为第一次和律师接触 第一次买房子所以不太懂。

她是这么回复我的“ We are required to ascertain the source of all funds connected to a house purchase and to this end would need to see your bank statements showing the funds in your account for a period of 3 months.
As half the monies have been transferred to you from your parents, we would need to see the bank statement showing this transfer.

We would also require you to complete and sign a document advising where all the monies have come from. We will send this document to you during the purchase process.

In view of the work involved in this process, we would need to impose a charge of £100 plus VAT in addition to the figure given in our original quotation.

我也是觉得材料都是我提供,居然还要多收100多镑,那我应该怎么回复呢? 就说我不认为这增加了100镑的工作量?

不仅100镑 是100 plus VAT

我也是因为第一次和律师接触 第一次买房子所以不太懂。

她是这么回复我的“ We are required to ascertain the source of all funds connected to a house purchase and to this end would need to see your bank statements showing the funds in your account for a period of 3 months.
As half the monies have been transferred to you from your parents, we would need to see the bank statement showing this transfer.

We would also require you to complete and sign a document advising where all the monies have come from. We will send this document to you during the purchase process.

In view of the work involved in this process, we would need to impose a charge of £100 plus VAT in addition to the figure given in our original quotation.

我也是觉得材料都是我提供,居然还要多收100多镑,那我应该怎么回复呢? 就说我不认为这增加了100镑的工作量?



律师需要的证明的是你拿到的汇款不是借回来的,所以会要求提供款项的人给你一封Gift Letter,证明款项不需要还,否侧会影响你的Mortgage Application。




我在HMRC找了一下 倒是找不出关于钱从国外来 银行会检查是否是money laundering这个过程。 请问你还能想到什么关键词 我可以去查一下吗?万分感谢。

那我明天应该会按照你说的问一下我的律师,我可以请父母给我写gift letter并且公正。所有汇款凭证我都可以提供,看这样他们是否还坚持要多收这100多镑。

中介推荐给了我几家律师事务所,只有这一家回复说可以办理我的业务,其他家都说因为有资金从海外来,他们没有能力接这种case 也是醉了:cn14:



Estimate of Costs: Proposed Purchase

Tenure Freehold
Proposed Purchase Price (approx) £312,000.00
Our charges £563.00
Provision of Land Registry Searches £15.00
Administration Fee for arranging Telegraphic Transfer (TT) £25.00
Administration Fee for carrying out electronic Money Laundering checks per name £10.00
Preparation of Stamp Duty Tax Form £50.00
Acting for Lender Fee £50.00
Sub total £713.00
VAT thereon £142.60

Local Authority Search (Leeds area only) £58.00
Drainage & Water Search £45.36
Mining Search £38.40
Environmental Search £48.00
Chancel Search £24.00
Land Registry Fee £135.00
Stamp Duty Land Tax £5,600.00
Total £6804.36

The following costs will be added where appropriate

Unregistered Property Fee £150.00 plus VAT
New Build Property Fee £100.00 plus VAT
Leasehold Property Fee £150.00 plus VAT

发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com


律师费 £563.00+vat,非常便宜了。


多谢大哥! 因为我们这里小地方的。不是伦敦。这家还是中介推荐给我的四家中最贵的一家。

您应该像lz一样交钱之前至少来问问是否正常收费, 律师也不都是好东西!
