宝宝 men B 预防针

之前看论坛上说men B 计划只给6月以后出生的宝宝的,我娃是5月的,今天打第三个月的预防针,顺便问了一下,GP给我们说那个要9月,等我们下次预防针的时候就能打. 关注这个的宝妈们可以联系GP问问看~

5月1号后(包括5月1号)出生的包括进NHS Men B计划。从9月1号后开始执行

baby born after 1 may… mine missed by 2 days… has to wait for catchup…

My little one was born in May as well. I asked the nurse gave me three-month vaccines. She said if there is a catch up, they will send a letter to parents.

Our LO, who just had her second vaccination, was born in May.
She was offered to have one Men B injection with her third dose of vaccinations in September and a booster when she turns 12-13 months old.

The nurse told us that babies born between the 1st and the 31st of May will be entitled to have these two Men B injections (instead of the standard three for babies born after May).

She gave us a leaflet which reads:
(After this September) <------EDIT: should be after the 1st of this September
"- those who have not already received any routine vaccinations, should have MenB at the same time as their first and third routine infant vaccinations

  • those who have already received their first dose of routine vaccinations should have MenB at the same time as their second and third routine infant vaccinations
  • those who have already received their first and second dose of routine vaccinations should have MenB at the same time as their third routine infant vaccinations
  • a booster of MenB should also be offered at 12-13 months"

The nurse also told us that the needle needs to go 2.5 cm into the thigh so it may be a tad easier for a bigger baby.
And that it’s possible for parents to be advised to give the little ones infant paracetamol (usually Calpol) straight after the injection.


发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com


Catch up 是针对所有宝宝吗?不然难不成有的有有的没有?我们家这位四月底出生的
发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com
