
The principle of free movement within the EU should only apply to those with a job, Home Secretary Theresa May says.
Free movement originally meant “freedom to move to a job,” not to look for work or claim benefits, she wrote in the Sunday Times.
“We must take some big decisions, face down powerful interests and reinstate the original principle”, she added.
Mrs May also said this summer’s migrant crisis had been “exacerbated by the European system of no borders”.
Her comments come days after official statistics showed net migration to the UK is at an all-time high, reaching 330,000 in the year to March.
The figure - the difference between the number entering the country and those leaving - is more than three times higher than the government’s target.

Mrs May said the figure was “far too high” and “simply unsustainable”.
The “biggest single factor” stopping the government achieving its aim of reducing net migration to the tens of thousands was net migration from the EU, she argued.

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The migrant crisis has been “exacerbated” by the existence of the Schengen area, Mrs May argued
Mrs May also argued the EU’s open border policy had made the migrant crisis worse.
More than 300,000 migrants have risked their lives trying to cross the Mediterranean to Europe so far this year, according to the UN.
‘Wake-up call’
Mrs May wrote: "The most tragic consequences of a broken European migration system have been borne by those at risk of exploitation.
"And the greatest beneficiaries have been the callous gangs who sell false dreams…
“As countries in Europe are increasingly realising, these tragedies have been exacerbated by the European system of no borders, the Schengen area, in which the UK has never taken part.”
She said the crisis was a “wake-up call for the EU”.
“Its leaders must consider the consequences of uncontrolled migration - on wages, jobs and social cohesion of the destination nations; on the economies and societies of the rest; and on the lives and welfare of those who seek to come here,” she said.
Mrs May also said “rigorous control” of the UK’s student migration system had helped reduce the number of further education visa applications, while the number studying at top universities had gone up.
But she said last week’s figures “clearly show that too many students are not here temporarily”.
She said the government must “break the link between short-term study and permanent settlement” in the UK.


it is a almost nonsense, she can not decide EU policy, ti is policy decided by 26 nations in EU, nothing can be changed unless UK is out of EU, she only can do is to tighten student visa , but UK University ll lose cash cow from international students , what she want to do is show the attitude to the voters. I wish UK could be out of EU


What did she mean by breaking the link between short students and permanent settlement?

Would she introduce sanctions on student visa holders and forbid them from applying PR this year?

上周数据出来的时候看了一下,记得ONS数据显示的是学生签证中,离境的数量大概只有当初入境的1/3,就是说有2/3都还在境内(或者还在学生签上,或者已经转入t1 t2 以及family route了),所以在non-eu的数据上是导致数字上涨的重要原因之一。
记得从数字上看,真正批准的难民数量并不多,但family route路线上的还是不少的,比如平均每个t2都会有近2两个dependant,境外申请t2有cap,但境内转并没有限制。所以政府才会让MAC研究如何提高工签申请和定居门槛,但月初的初步报告对政府来说并不是好消息,因为雇主的反对意见很大,所以具体的MAC建议要等到12月份才能揭晓。

接下来政府也就只能在极为有限的范围修修补补,比如限制一部分t2 t4 dependant的工作权,继续打击college student,当初may提出学生签到期必须回国签新签证,但被osborne以影响uni收入推翻了,在overseas uni student上设立cap估计也很难,pbs在境内转家庭路线(dependant和spouse)也早有高院判决,所以不大幅度修改法案的话,non-eu这方面可以做的文章其实也并不多了。

其实Theresa May的讲话就是所谓的dog whistle,就是空口号糊弄一下大众而已,否则标题中她就会用 will 而不是 should 了(一字之差就看出纸老虎的本质了)。只要free movement在,uk就没法控制eu移民,说是没有job offer不让来,那么人家不说来找工作而是来旅游看朋友uk也不能拦着啊,那么多自雇开所谓公司的,假job offer也太好弄了吧。
所以现在政府才开始喊口号要减少pull factors,比如tax credits和free education,但EU肯定才不理会,那些左翼人权律师也不会闲着,打个官司一纸判决下来,uk还不照样服从?

我亲戚9月申请10年,在读博,今天梅大臣在Sunday Times写公开信写要在Autumn搞什么Cross-Whitehall Crack Down.




If she want to break the link between student visa and permanent living, I donot think it ll affect the people here move than 5 years or more , that is what normally how the policy come out , but if she really want to change that , for example 10 years permanent living , she need to get agreed from EU court ,so what she try to do is to give a gesture for UK voters

That’s very helpful! Forgive my ignorance about UK’s legislation process.







