给家里阳台上的花草找个新家-永久回国 转卖花草

Luby 我无法编辑这个帖子上的图片了。 就又开了一个帖子 可以麻烦你帮我锁了吗?

因为要永久回国 决定给伦敦阳台上的花草们再找一个家 知道我爱我家里面也有很多爱花草的同学们,很多在英国也有了自己的房子,可以养花种草

因为盆子加土都比较重 仅限伦敦自取-位置Bromley by Bow 地铁站对面 无法邮寄 而且我希望买家可以发她/他自己家的花给我看 让我知道是真心爱护植物的,同时也会种花。 因为我是真的把这些花草当成自己的孩子2-3年在照顾,希望能给他们找一个好人家。

如果所有都要就350镑 还包括各种盆子

  1. 猕猴桃-Actinidia T&M 购买 品种-Jenny 4-5年树龄 2m 高是唯一一个自花授粉品种 25 镑 包括一个15镑的硬塑料高仿真六边形花盘

这个是很顽强的一种植物,之前夏天出行托朋友浇水 叶子干掉,再好好浇水就又都长了新叶子。冬天一般都是突的直到第二年春天。



  1. 紫藤树 Wisteria sinensis crocus 购买 品种 中国紫藤 4-5年树龄 2株 25lt pot 25镑一株包括陶瓷盆子 并送芍药两株

熟悉紫藤习性的人会知道紫藤需要几年的照顾才会开花 需要阳光照射不低于6小时 每年夏天和冬天两次修剪 而且不宜施氮肥

紫藤.jpg 这是现在的样子 8月份修剪过后再长出的新叶子




crocus 种植介绍


要施bone meal

  1. 月季
    a. David Austin -Wisley 2008 12lt (30cm W 28cm H pot size) 25镑 包括一个10镑的12升红陶盆子

马上开花了 株高50厘米 冠辐1米


Wisley 2008 (Ausbreeze)
David Austin Recommended Variety

Category English Roses
(English Rose Collection)
Bred By David Austin
Flower Type Double/Full Bloom
Hardiness Hardy
Fragrance Medium
Repeating Excellent
This is a rose of exceptional delicacy and charm, perhaps more so than any other rose we know. The flowers are shallowly cupped and about 3 inches across; the petals arranged in a most perfect rosette formation – their colour being a very pure soft pink; the outer petals paling a little towards the edge. It bears some resemblance to an old Alba Rose such as ‘Queen of Denmark’. The growth is elegantly arching, producing its flowers along the stems and building up into a fine, vigorous shrub. This can reach up to 1.5m/5ft in height, although it can also be pruned back harder, when it can easily be maintained at around 3.5 to 4ft, as required. There is a delightful, fresh, fruity fragrance with hints of raspberries and Tea. It is a good choice for both formal and informal areas of the garden and also, perhaps, for a hedge.

Named for the famous RHS Gardens at Wisley, where many English Roses are planted. This variety should not be confused with a rose named ‘Wisley’ which, although beautiful, did not live up to our standards for health.

4ft x 2.5ft. (1.25m x 0.75m)

b. David Austin- The Alnwick rose - pink full cup 20镑 包括一个 (26cmW 23cmH 10L) 的硬塑料盆子
也是马上开花 株高50厘米 冠符 26厘米


The Alnwick® Rose (Ausgrab)
David Austin Recommended Variety

Category English Roses
(English Rose Collection)
Bred By David Austin
Colour Soft Pink
Flower Type Double/Full Bloom
Size Medium Shrub
Hardiness Hardy
Fragrance Old Rose with a hint of raspberry
Repeating Excellent
Special Characteristics Very beautiful, full flowers of a lovely soft pink. Strongly fragrant.
Pretty rich pink, cup shaped buds gradually open to a deeply cupped flower; later developing into a broad, full-petalled, shallow cup of a soft pink which is paler at the outer edges - a most pleasing progression. The flowers are beautiful at all stages; this illustrates very well the great variety of form to be found in the Old Rose style. ‘The Alnwick Rose’ has nice rounded, bushy growth and produces its bloom intermittently from early summer to the onset of frost. Plentiful green foliage ideally complements the flower. There is a good Old Rose fragrance with just a hint of raspberry. We are pleased to name this rose after the superb Alnwick Garden. The Duke and Duchess of Northumberland are constructing what we believe will be one of the great gardens of Britain, which will include many English Roses.

4 ft x 2.5 ft.

c. Harkness -Faithful 红宝石红 10镑 包括一个 10L硬塑料盆子

Registered Name: Haressay
Family: Floribunda
Star Rating: 3
Scent Rating: 2
Flower Diameter: 8cm
Petals: 25
Flowers Per Cluster: 3-7
Plant Size: H75cm x W60cm
Colour: Ruby Red
Reliable flowering and rapid repeat bloom to make the most of the flowering season. It is a good, disease-resistant rose. Uses: Beds, groups and cutting


d. David Austin - Glamis Castle 白色小花 full cup 15镑 包括一个10L硬塑料盆子 并送盆子长的很好的一棵阿拉斯加旱金莲



Glamis Castle (Auslevel)

Category English Roses
(English Rose Collection)
Bred By David Austin
Colour White / Cream
Flower Type Double/Full Bloom
Size Medium Shrub
Hardiness Hardy
Fragrance Medium
Repeating Excellent
‘Glamis Castle’ is a pure white rose of typical Old Rose character. The flowers are deeply cupped with rather informally arranged petals. It flowers with exceptional freedom and continuity; its blooms producing a wonderful airy effect in the mass. It has an English Rose, myrrh fragrance. A relatively short and bushy shrub with numerous twiggy branches, upon which the flowers are borne freely. Its compact growth makes it a good choice for small gardens. It will benefit from some spraying against disease. Glamis Castle is the childhood home of The Queen Mother and the legendary setting of Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth.

3ft. x 2.5ft.

e. Janeen - 浅紫红色玫瑰 花香宜人 10镑 包括一个10L 硬塑料盆子



Family: Floribunda
Star Rating: 4
Scent Rating: 8
Flower Diameter: 8cm
Petals: 45
Flowers Per Cluster: 5-11
Plant Size: H90cm x W75cm
Colour: Purplish red
When a rose has this rich purple colour we expect it to have a strong perfume. You will not be disappointed, it is strong, sweet and rosy. The bloom is full of tightly packed petals, on a strong plant with glossy leaves. Enjoy Janeen either in the garden or as a cut flower perfuming your home.

f.老园丁- 浅粉 几乎白色 颜色很仙 味道也很好 20镑 包括一个10L 硬塑料盆子

Registered Name: Harpacket
Family: Floribunda
Star Rating: 5
Scent Rating: 8
Flower Diameter: 10cm
Petals: 40
Flowers Per Cluster: 5-9
Plant Size: h110cm x w70cm
Colour: Light Pink
Fantastic perfume, borne by flowers of true beauty. They are generous in size, pure in colour, and elegant in form. Also, resistance to disease is excellent, making this an easy rose to grow and to look after.

g. 乳白-淡黄色 15镑 climber 包括一个10l 硬塑料盆子



h. 简单生活 simple life 粉色单瓣 爬墙 15镑 包括盆子
这个也是我的最爱 开的旺盛时爬满墙


Family: Climbers
Star Rating: 5
Scent Rating: 4
Flower Diameter: 10cm
Petals: 5
Flowers Per Cluster: 5-9
Plant Size: H200cm x W180cm
Colour: Pink with orange stamen
It is hard to know where to begin with The Simple Life. It has amazing versatility, as it can easily be grown as a climbing rose, reaching 2.0 metres high and 1.8 metres wide. Alternatively it can be pruned every year and grown as a substantial shrub, reaching 1.8 metres high by 1.5 metres wide and fully self supporting. Single with just the five petals, opening to 6 cms wide with pretty stamens.
With a long flowering period, producing flowers all Summer long and into the late Autumn, outstanding health, and remarkable resistance to all diseases - this is a perfect garden rose.

i. 深红色- 不记得品名了 Harkness 家的 15镑 包括盆子

