被政府查了 真么办

各位大神。我买了个房子。买之前楼上是flat 楼下office 买完后把楼下加了个门也当plat出租了。结果今天收到council电话说怀疑 改成flat了才知道楼上的flat没有plan pemission 现在council要来看房




council 来查一般会’默许’,就是不批但建议你上诉,上诉费和申请pp价格一样,如果上诉成功,就相当于批准了,你按照几个flat交几份council tax 就可以了

买房时没有查呀 律师没说

要是不成功呢? 也默许吗

英国一般这种事不都是寄信的吗 怎么直接给我打电话了





你这个是不是买的时候是commericial property,但买来以后当residential来用了?

如果你的flat从来没有planning 的批准,那就执行4年法则,就是你只要证明flat存在了四年那council就管不着了。

但如果你的flat有planning的批准但你们改变了它的用途(change of use),那就得用10年法则了。


Change of Use Rule

If you have changed the use of a property or building and you have not obtained permission, you may be protected under the change of use 4 year rule, or the change of use 10 year rule.

Change of use 4 year rule

The change of use 4 year rule applies to developments that have been built without the necessary planning permission.

Under the change of use 4 year rule, if the structure has been there continuously for four years, the building and its use become lawful.

For example, if you build a garage and run a business from it, it will take four years for the garage and the use to become legal.

The change of use 4 year rule also applies to a building, or part of a building, which is used as a single dwelling house.

Change of use 10 year rule

The change of use 10 year rule applies to buildings that have planning permission, but the use of the building has been changed without consent being obtained.

Under the change of use 10 year rule, once the building has been used for the same purpose for 10 years, the change of use automatically becomes legal.

For example, if you run a business from your garage (which has planning permission for domestic use only), it will take 10 years for the change of use to become lawful.


谢谢 成龙大哥 咨询了一下律师 律师说估计是骗子 没有寄信 电话是无来电显示 语音留言给的是私人手机号码

再等几天 如果是council还得给我打电话


发送自苹果论坛手机版: m.powerapple.com


将 “楼下加了个门” 拆了吧

